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Aries New Moon - Embrace Leadership, New Beginnings, and Own your Personal Brand

The Moon starts a new cycle in Aries on April 8th 2024. The focus areas are New Beginnings, Personal Brand, and Leadership.

Pisces New Moon, Devotion, Reflection, Integration 2024

The time of the new moon is when the Sun and Moon meet at the same sign and ask us to take initiating actions such as planting seeds of intention. As the moon waxes (grows) so will your intention.

Each NEW MOON offers an opportunity to take charge of our lives by tapping into the potent power in the cosmos to solidify our intentions, goals, and wishes in reality. 


Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and begins the astrological new year with its fresh, bold and assertive energy. Aries embodies qualities of leadership, independence, and courage. Aries is ruled by the element of fire. The type of fire that ignites our personal will, creativity, and optimism. Aries is driven by a strong sense of self and a desire for independence. They take assertive action towards their goals and aspirations.

Aries has a sense of urgency—an urgency to focus, to get started on things, and to set boundaries. The influence of Aries compels you to seize the moment, to take risks, and to embrace challenges head-on.

When working with Aries energy be assertive and headstrong. Break free from self imposed constraints and take the first step towards a new path in life with courage and determination.

Aries Moon Mood

When the moon is in Aries the mood is energized, direct, independent and rebellious. It may influence us to be spontaneous and enthusiastic. Consider working in short intense bursts rather than long periods of concentration. Launch a project or initiate an action on your to do list.  Express independent and authentic thoughts and ideas. Be clear and to the point. Cut to the chase. Clear the air. Demolish narratives and structures that hinder your progress. Set healthy boundaries.  Prepare space for a garden in your back/front yard or window sill.

What are the Aries Tarot Cards?

Aries Major Arcana Tarot Cards The Emperor, The Tower, Queen of Wands

Rider Waite Smith Tarot, The Emperor, Tarot, Major Arcana, Aries


The Emperor

Aries the leader of the zodiac, personified by the Emperor in tarot. The emperor is fearless, confident, courageous, and a visionary leader. He rules with logic and reason making him willful, stubborn, and inflexible. Aries marks the first month of spring and the first sign of the astrological year. It rules the first astrological house concerned with our personality, physical appearance, and individuality.

Rider Waite Smith Tarot, The Tower, Tarot, Major Arcana, Mars


The Tower

Mars is the warrior planet of assertiveness and self-dense. It is associated with confidence and power. It symbolizes stamina and strength. The Tower is about intensity, potency, and drive. In a tarot reading the Tower symbolizes dramatic change, destruction, release, enlightenment, and inspiration.

The Queen of Wands, Cardinal Fire

Cardinal Fire

The Queen of Wands

All the Queens in tarot embody cardinal's initiating energy. Queens also combine water energy (emotional & imaginative) with the energy of their suit: Fire (creativity & actions). The Queen of Wands is creative and passionate. She initiates change in bold and brave ways. She takes direct and assertive action.

Aries Cardinal Fire Tarot Cards

Aries Cardinal Fire, Inspiration, drive, and motivation to bring dreams into reality.

Two of Wands - Lord of Dominion - Choice of Initiative

Three of Wands - Lord of Established Strength - Embracing expansion

Four of Wands - Lord of Perfected Work - Harmonious celebration

Aries Focus Areas

Use the list below to set your Pisces influenced intentions, goals, and wishes. However, feel free to set intentions around whatever you wish. It is best to keep your list to 10 or less.

Aries focus areas inspiration, leadership, authenticity

  • New Beginnings: Initiative, First Step, Action

  • Prioritizing Self: Survival, Instincts, Assertiveness

  • Authenticity: Honesty, Impulsiveness, Integrity

  • Self Discovery: Taking Risks, Competition, Curiosity

  • Independence: Self-Direction, Self-Reliance, Self-Sufficiency

  • Warrior Nature: Courage, Leadership, Strength, Boldness

  • Self Absorption: Selfishness, Vanity, Anger, Impatience

Aries New Moon Cycle

The Aries Moonth cycle begins with  decisive and enthusiastic cardinal energy, transitioning to consistent and determined energy at the Scorpio full moon.

Pisces New Moon Cycle - March 10th - April 8th 2024

Aries New Moon

The Aries new moon cycle leaves winter behind to start SPRING! Aries asks us to develop our personal brand and leadership skills. Use this time to focus on developing your personal brand and honing your leadership skills. Set intentions for the Aries qualities you want to embody, and take action to establish yourself as the leader of your life.

Cancer Waxing Moon

At the Cancer waxing moon you are invited to nourish your gut instincts and financial security. Trust your intuition when making decisions, and take steps to strengthen your financial foundation.

Scorpio Full Moon

The Scorpio full moon invites you to celebrate commitments and honor financial obligations. Take stock of your achievements and recognize the progress you've made towards your goals.

Aquarius Waning Moon

The Aquarius waning moon asks you release resistance deepening friendships and building networks. Reach out to old friends and attend networking events.

Spiral Taurus New Moon

The next new moon in Taurus turns your focus on to developing your resources, finances, and traditions. Set intentions for financial growth and abundance, and establish rituals or practices that support your long-term goals.

Aries New Moon Tarot Spread

Pisces uses the wisdom gained from traveling through the previous 11 zodiac signs to imagine a new future.

Pisces New Moon Tarot Spread

  1. What is the intentional seed of the Aries Moonth?

  2. What do you nurture to grow at the Cancer waxing moon?

  3. What do you celebrate/forgive at the Scorpio full moon?

  4. What do you release at the Aquarius waning moon?

  5. What is the seed of the upcoming moonth in Taurus? (Use this card for your Taurus New Moon Tarot Spread).

Pro Tip:

  • Take a picture of your spread and notes to keep on your phone for quick reference throughout the moonth. I like to keep mine on my lock screen.

  • Share your spread on instagram with the hashtag #moonthlyspread so I can see it :)

Even better if you start a journal to keep your spiral new moon notes in one place. Use a regular notebook or journal along with the YesSpiral Blog and Newsletter as a guide. Or get yourself a copy of the YesSpiral New Moon Intention Journal - availabe on Amazon.

New Moon Intention Journal Workbook Notebook

The New Moon Intention Journal is designed to inspire you to set intentions, open your eyes to your blindspots, and stay focused on what you wish to cultivate in your life.

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