Work with the Phases of the Cancer New Moon Cycle to design the life you want.

The wheel has turned once again into the season of Summer. Summer is made up of cardinal-water Cancer, fixed-fire Leo, and mutable-earth Virgo.
Summer Season
Cancer begins the summer season and has us focusing on our homes, family, and how to put our feelings first. When we go into Leo we will listen to our hearts and do what it asks with courage. Then we round off the season in Virgo with work, responsibility, and discipline.
Cancer | Leo | Virgo |
July 5th 2024 | August 4th 2024 | September 2nd |
Cancer New Moon
This year, the Cancer New Moon happens in the center of Cancer season at the 15th degree. At this point the sun has been in Cancer for about two weeks. We've had a couple weeks time to integrate the cardinal (initiating) vibe. We may already know what we want to start or pick up again.
Sun in Cancer | New Moon In Cancer | Capricorn Full Moon |
June 20th 2024 | July 5th 2024 | July 21st 2024 |
Ask yourself what would you like to start at this time?
The Moon Starts a New Cycle in Cancer
Cancer’s symbol is a crab, tough hard shell on the outside, vulnerable and soft on the inside. They use their feelers to sense the direction in which they are traveling and if they sense danger will lash out with their claws. When the Sun and Moon are in Cancer, they turn our focus inward toward the unconscious, intuitive, and emotional. Cancer invites you to develop your financial security so you have a safe and comfortable home.
What to do at a Cancer Moon transit?
When the moon is in Cancer the mood is tender and guarded. We are drawn to connect with our gentle side and process our emotional inventory. Be warm and considerate. Respect other people's boundaries. Let your boss know you are doing your share of the work. Nurture and reassure friends, family, and co-workers. Feel free to pour out positive feedback for good work. Make your home comfortable and safe. Listen to your gut instincts. Nourish yourself. Take long hot baths.
What are the Cancer Areas of Focus?
The new moon is when the sun and the moon are together in the sky. Making it a potent time to set intentions based on the focus areas of the zodiac sign they are in. The Cancer New Moon it is most potent to set intentions around home, family, and financial security.

Home and Family: Internal frame of reference, Gut Instincts
Nurturing: Being supportive, Mother or Mothering, Close Family Relations, Taking Care of Others
Feelings and Moods: Awareness of feelings and needs, Sensitivity to other's feelings, Tenderness
Safety: Feelings of Belonging, Protection, Financial Security
Intimacy and Caring: Closeness, Empathy, Vulnerability
Process: Training and Practicing, Nurturing New Beginnings
Releasing insecurity: Clinginess, Possessiveness, Overly cautious behaviors, Fear of rejection, Lack of goals
How to set Cancer Intentions
Work with the initiating power of the new moon by setting intentions. For potent results make a list of up to 10 intentions at the exact time of the New Moon up to 72 hours after. Free-write your heart's desires. As the moon waxes come back and refine your intentions into routines, goals, and habits. As the moon wanes come back to release the intentions that are not in alignment with your best interests. Come back throughout the year when the moon is transiting through Taurus. reflect, analyze, and refine where your intention stands.
I like to keep all my New Moon centered intentions, tarot spreads, and journaling in one place. This helps me to stay organized and efficient. It makes it easy to return to my new moon intentions to reflect, analyze, and refine where I stand. You can too but getting yourself a notebook of any kind and using this blog post as a guide. Or you can also pick up one of my New Moon Intention Setting Journals.

When is the Cancer 2023 New Moon Cycle?
The Cancer 2023 New Moon cycle: July 17th - August 16th
This year's Cancer Moonth cycle starts us off with a push to initiate and take action with the new, waxing, and fulls moon all in cardinal signs. The waning and next new moons are in (steady and persistent) fixed signs. This is the type of energy that is good for puttingyour head down and seriously focusing on what is in front you. So be sure to take a look at the Cancer focus areas and choose something to focus on this moonth and summer season.
Cancer New Moon - 07/05/24
The new moonth in Cancer invites you to develop your financial security. The tools of the time are dreams and spirituality.
Libra Waxing Moon - 07/13/24
The Libra waxing moon invites you to nourish relationships and life balance. The tools of the time are logic and communication.
Capricorn Full Moon - 07/21/24
The Capricorn full moon invites you to celebrate your career and reputation. The tools of the values and efforts.
Taurus Waning Moon - 07/27/24
The Taurus waning moon invites you to release resistance to creating tradtions and managing your finances. The tools of the time are practicality and caution.
Leo Next New Moon - 08/04/24
The next new moon in Leo invites you develop self promotion skills and creativity. The tools of the time are enthusiasm and passion.
Cancer New Moon Tarot Spread
Yes Spiral practice, work with the energies of the moon, astrology, and tarot all at once.

What is the seed of the Cancer Moonth?
What do you nurture to grow at the Libra waxing moon?
What do you celebrate and or forgive at the Capricorn full moon?
What do you release at the Taurus waning moon?
What is the seed of the upcoming moonth in Leo? (Use this card as card #1 for the next new moon cycle).
