The Capricorn waning moon asks us to pause, reflect, assess, and release.

In 2024 every waning moon of the mutable signs is in the cardinal sign the started the season. In other words, we started the Winter season with a new moon in Capricorn and now we end the lunar winter season with a waning moon in Capricorn.
In addition, in 2024 we will have two Capricorn Full Moons. This is the universe asking us to focus on Capricorn themes. The first full moon will be on June 21st and the second on July 21st. This is a great opportunity to cut away any resistance to career, authority, and reputation.
The phrase I came up with for the Capricorn new moon was for us to develop an impeccable reputation so we may move in the world with authority and attract success. As the winter season progressed opportunities for me to develop my career, authority, and reputation all came up. In some cases I chose to focus on other things. Now that the moon has cycled back into Capricorn I wonder what I can release so I can move to the next stage of my life, career, and personal development.
Pisces moonth
We started this moonth in Pisces where emotions become sensitive, delicate, and vulnerable, prompting us to acknowledge our feelings, even if it feels challenging. Our time in Pisces is ideal for meditation and reflection, allowing us to envision future goals for the month and year ahead. Utilize tools such as tarot cards, oracle cards, and pendulums for guidance. Consider starting, maintaining, or revising a dream or intention journal. Take the time to rest and internalize the wisdom gained from previous astrological signs.
Capricorn's energy invites in a need for structure, organization and accomplishing goals. When Capricorn is on an upward spiral the energy is disciplined, constructive, and ambitious. When the energy is on a downward spiral it is controlling, compulsive, and materialistic.
Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign meaning it initiates action in the material world of family, traditions, and work.
The planetary ruler of Capricorn is Saturn, known as the task master planet. It is active when we set a goal and helps us to work towards its achievement. When the moon is waning it is a good time to determine if anything is getting in the way of your success. Take steps to replace those actions that hinder your success with something more constructive.
Capricorn Waning Moon
The Capricorn waning moon invites you to release resistance to doing the things that lead you to move through the world with an impeccable reputation, authority, success. The tools of the time are being practical, grounded, and stable.
Waning Moon Reflection
Take a look at your intentions and notes from the Pisces new moon (and or the Capricorn New Moon) and consider what is asking to be released to make space for the new moon in Aries next week. Take out your tarot cards, find your Full Moon in Capricorn card from the Pisces New Moon Spread and place it in position number one.

What do I let go of as the moon wanes in Capricorn? (Use card 4 from the New Moon in Pisces Spread)
How can you release resistance to building authority?
What hindering belief can be transformed/reframed?
What can you do to move to the next step in your career?
What action can you take now for a positive reputation amongst your peers?
Updated 04/01/24