Aquarius Hopes | Friendships | Networking
New Moon: Friday February 9th @ 5:59pm

The Aquarius new moon is here to get us acclimated into the fixed energy of the winter season. It asks us to take an innovative approach to designing and manifesting the life we want. The Aquarius energy is intellectual and rational. It inspires us to take the progressive route. To integrate our goals into our daily lives.
Aquarius is futuristic and forward thinking. The vibe cultivates radical change. Aquarius is the innovative sign of embracing new ways of thinking and being in the world. Aquarius is a trendsetter. An early adopter of technology. The Aquarius symbol is the water bearer. It symbolizes pouring insight and knowledge for the benefit of humanity. Aquarius approaches situations with the tools of Air: logic and intellect. The waves in Aquarius’ glyph are electromagnetic like brain waves. When Aquarius is around there is a need to be innovative and to create social change. Aquarius is both independent and thrives in groups held together by a common goal.
Plant Seeds of Intention at the New Moon

The moon initiates a new cycle in Aquarius on Friday, February 9th at 5:59pm. The new moon is the time of the month when the Sun and Moon meet in the same sign sending you the same energetic instructions. It is a potent time to set intentions.
The new moon is an ideal time to plant seeds of intention, of your future self, in the present moment.
What are the Aquarius Focus Areas?
When the sun and moon are in Aquarius the following life areas are activated. Setting your intentions around these areas will have a more powerful effect.
Inventive: Innovative Ideas, Cleverness, Analytical, Inspired
Futuristic: Trendsetter, Unconventional, Technology
Humanitarianism: Philanthropy, Compassion, Inclusive
Excitement: Revelations, Surprises, Developments
Perspective: Objectivity, Divination Tools, Humor, Big Picture View
Friendship: Groups, Networks, Honesty, Camaraderie
Detached: Aloofness, Erratic, Inflexible, Indifferent

What are the tarot cards associated with Aquarius?
All of the 12 zodiac signs have six tarot cards that are associated with it. The Star represents Aquarius. The Fool represents Uranus, the ruling planet of Aquarius. The King of Swords is the embodiment of fixed air. The minor arcana cards are five of swords, six of swords, and seven of swords. They represent fixed air energy. It is all about stabilizing thoughts, ideas and social interactions.

Aquarius is represented by The Star in tarot. The Star card symbolizes hope, inspiration, and gratitude in a tarot reading.
Uranus is represented by The Fool in tarot. The Fool symbolizes a spiritual quest, new beginnings, and adventure in a tarot reading.
Fixed Air
Fixed Air is represented by The King of Swords in Tarot. The King of Swords symbolizes assertively making decisions based on logic and intellect.
What is Fixed Air?

Fixed energy is stable, persistent, and determined. It represents the most consistent energy of a season. Air represents thoughts, logic, and intellect. Fixed air is about stabilizing thoughts, ideas and social interactions into a normal part of life.
In tarot...
All of the kings represent fixed energy.
All of the five, six, seven minor arcana cards represent fixed energy.
All of the swords cards represent air.
Aquarius is known as Fixed Air.
Aquarius 2024 New Moon Cycle
The Aquarius 2024 new and waxing moons are in fixed signs. This will influence us to solidify our networks and friendships (Aquarius) and our personal resources and traditions (Taurus). The full, waning, and next new moons are all in mutable signs. This adaptable energy will invite us to add in some healthy routines (Virgo), incorporate learning into our schedules (Sagittarius), and make time for a devotional practice (Pisces).
Last moonth, we were working with cardinal Capricorn energy which invited us to develop an impeccable reputation so we may move in the world with authority and attract success. This moonth the fixed energy gives us the endurance to follow through on what we started.

Aquarius New Moon
The Aquarius new moon invites you to develop your networks and deepen friendships. The tools of the time are logic and intellect.
Taurus Waxing Moon
The Taurus waxing moon invites you to nourish your personal resources, finances, and traditions. The tools of the time are practicality and tradition.
Virgo Full Moon
The Virgo full moon invites you to celebrate your discipline with a steady healthy routine. The tools of the time are stability and manifestation.
Sagittarius Waning Moon
The Sagittarius waning moon invites you to release resistance to looking for freedom and while continuing your education. The tools of the time are personal will and passion.
Pisces Next New Moon
The Pisces new moon invites you to develop a devotional and reflection practice. The tools of the time are spirituality and imagination.
2024 Aquarius New Moon Tarot Spread
Innovation Cultivates Progression
February 9th - March 10th 2024

What is the seed of the Aquarius Moonth?
What do you nurture to grow at the Taurus waxing moon?
What do you celebrate/forgive at the Virgo full moon?
What do you release at the Sagittarius waning moon?
What is the seed of the upcoming moonth in Pisces? (use card #5 as card # 1 next moonth)
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updated on 02/07/24
updated 01/19/2023