Dandelion Leaf, Flower, and Root are all medicinal.
(Dandelion Flower to Seed Cycle. Filmed by Neil Bromhall over a one month period)
What are the names of Dandelion?
Also Known As
Tarxacum officinale
Flower of the Sun
Lion’s Tooth
Blow Ball
Fortune Teller
Piss in Bed
Plus, many more names
Dandelion may have so many names because the roots, leaves, and flowerheads are all edible and medicinal. It is native to Europe and Asia, but it grows globally. The European colonizers thought so highly of it they brought it with them across the seas and spread it across the United States. Everywhere else they went, they spread Dandelion making it prolific worldwide. (Hourdajian)
(Dandelion grows wild in NYC)
Why is Dandelion villainized?
In the United States, Dandelion has been villainized as a weed because she grows where she wants. The website Science and Plants for Schools says that some weeds can cause harm such as: poison animals and crops, be a host to pests and diseases, and block drainage and irrigation channels. However, they do not mention that many weeds are highly revered and medicinal.
Dandelion is loved by animals, from bees to bears. It creates drainage channels in compacted soils and restores mineral health to abused soils. It aerates and attracts earth worms to soils making them beneficial to any garden. (Weed). Also, dandelions are pretty in flower and seed. As a child I called dandelion seed heads "wishes." I would take a seed head and my blow my wishes into it whenever I found one. Blowing dandelion seeds is one of the ways the plant is so prolific. As the seed head flies away it can travel hundreds of miles depending on wind strength. Dandelion seeds do not need to be planted and can germinate on their own under most conditions. (Hourdajian)
Another reason why Dandelion has a bad name is because she interferes with the dream of the sprawling green lawn with no agricultural value. The green lawn is perceived as a status symbol and was popularized by patriarchs of the United States; George Washington and Thomas Jefferson in the 1770’s. Take a look at David Botti’s video; The Great American Lawn: How the Dream was Manufactured, to learn more about the American Dream of owning a house with a great green lawn.
Does Dandelion have folklore?
While the plant is a villain to some, it is a savior and revered by many. The North American Indians have folklore around Dandelion, summarized like this:
“A long time ago, there lived a Medicine Man named Kosi Agu, Flower of the Sun. Kosi had two friends that were always at his side and ready to help him carry out his duties as a medicine man. They were the Eagle and the Mountain Lion. The Eagle brought messages and medicines from the sky and high mountain tops while the Mountain Lion gave Kosi strength of body and protection whenever it was needed. Together the three worked tirelessly in helping the community, Kosi by caring for the community’s sick, the Eagle by flying and collecting herbs high up the mountain, and the Mountain Lion would help by digging up roots from the earth when they were needed. When the time came for the three friends to return into the earth they asked to be buried in a meadow where in their place a plant would grow. The Flower would be like Kosi Agu’s name and heart. The leaves would be like the teeth of the Mountain Lion, and the roots would be like the legs of the Eagle. The plant helped the sick and fed their bodies, today you can always count on Dandelion to help you stay healthy"
(summarized from text by Walking Night Bear & Padilla)
What are the medicinal properties of Dandelion?
Today Dandelion is considered a medicinal plant by herbalists. It assists the gut, liver, and kidneys in functioning at full potential. Susan Weed dedicated a whole chapter to Dandelion in her much referenced book Healing Wise. She says Dandelion root is hepatic meaning it strengthens and nourishes the liver and its functioning. It is a tonic that nourishes the functioning of a muscle, organ, or system, it invigorates, and strengthens all activity. It is a digestive stimulant. And, it is also deobstruent defined by Weed as slowly loosening and removing obstructions to health and the healthy flow of life. Dandelion leaf is nutritive, providing vitamins and minerals to assist with health wholeness. The leaf is also stomachic meaning it nourishes and strengthens the stomach. Dandelion flowers used externally are emollient (softens and soothes) the skin. The flowers are also hepatic, strengthening and nourishing the liver and its functioning.
Dandelion Herbcraft ideas
Flower Essence
Who is Dandelion in tarot?
Inspired by the Fool, in the Herbcrafter's tarot, I made a Dandelion vinegar to use in my salad dressing and in cooking. This is a great tasting way to infused my foods with the medicinal benefits of Dandelion. I purchased dandelion leaves at the farmers market. If you live in the country or have a backyard, and know an area that is not poisoned by weed killer harvest it. Dandelion leaves in the spring are delicious added to salads. In the summer harvest the flowers and leaves to make teas (infusions), tinctures, flower essences, vinegars, and oils. In the autumn harvest the dandelion root to make tinctures and teas (infusions).
Dandelion Vinegar Recipe
Loosely fill a jar with dandelion
Fill the jar to the top with Apple Cider Vinegar
Cover the jar with parchment paper to prevent metal lids from rusting. Or use a plastic lid.
Infuse for 2 - 4 weeks.
Strain vinegar, compost or discard plant material.
I use my dandelion infused vinegar on salads or sip it to be bold and audacious as the Dandelion Fool from the Herbcrafter's Tarot suggests.
Botti, David. 08/09/2019. The Great American Lawn: How the Dream was Manufactured. NYTimes.com. Retrieved from: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/09/video/lawn-grass-environment-history.html?auth=login-email&login=email
Hourdajian, Dara. 11/13/2006. Introduced Species Summary Project Dandelion (Taraxacum Officinale). Columbia.edu. Retrieved from: http://www.columbia.edu/itc/cerc/danoff-burg/invasion_bio/inv_spp_summ/Taraxum_officinale.htm
Walking Night Bear and Padilla, Stan. 1983. Song of the Seven Herbs. Book Publishing Company
Weed, Susan. 1989. Wise Woman Herbal, Healing Wise. Ash Tree Publishing
Weeds Versus Plants. SAPS.org.uk. Retrieved from: https://www.saps.org.uk/saps-associates/browse-q-and-a/482-what-is-the-difference-between-a-weed-and-a-plant