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Libra Full Moon

The moon becomes Full in Libra at 3am ET today. The Full Moon is the climax of the moonthly cycle as it is at its brightest and shines light on the deepest parts of ourselves we usually keep hidden.

Libra full moon, contracts, allies, partnerships


Libra the sign of beauty, harmony, and relationships is a natural at finding peace and balance in any situation. They see things clearly and act with tact and diplomacy. The energy is supportive, creative, and collaborative. There is a need to cooperate with others to create beauty, balance, and harmony to establish a sense of peace.

Libra Moon Vibe

The moon in Libra vibe is focused on aesthetics. It inspires us to bring beauty, fairness, and balance to our lives and situations. Form, review, & renew friendships and partnerships. Reach out and pitch an idea that requires people skills and open minds. Have a party. Make design decisions, go shopping, redecorate. Get a new haircut. Put together a new outfit with old clothes.

Pisces Moonth Cycle Review

The Pisces Moonth cycle starts with flexible and adaptable energy, transitioning to focused and targeted cardinal energy at full moon. Pisces encourages reflection and change towards personal fulfillment. The Gemini waxing moon emphasizes communication skills and joy. The Libra full moon invites celebration and forgiveness. The Capricorn waning moon prompts releasing resistance towards having the career and reputation we want. Do what it takes to get there. The Aries new moon ushers us into the Spring season, prompting personal growth and reinvention.

Libra Full Moon

Libra is a cardinal air sign meaning its energy is about initiating social and intellectual (air) action. In other words it's about starting new friendships and rekindling others that have started to die down. One of Libra's super powers is being charming so this is a good time to pick up the phone and randomly call that friend you've been meaning to reach out to. If they don't answer leave them a cute voicemail. Let them know you are thinking of them and want to set up a time to meet (even if on FaceTime or Zoom).

Libra Review

Books and notes to review intentions set at Virgo New moon.
Review Your Libra New Moon Intentions

Did you set intentions on the Libra new moon back in October 2023?

If you did, go to your notes and review your intentions, goals, wishes.

Have any of them come to fruition? Yes? Great! You are focused on what you want.

No? do you still want to work on that? Is it aligned with what you want now? If not, let it go, throw it into the fire. If yes, take a moment to get introspective and tap into the Pisces Water energy of feelings and emotions. Try to imagine out how manifesting those intentions will make you feel. If it feels good, continue working on it. If you feel discomfort then go back and re-word your intention or scrap it.

Pisces Moonth Spread Revisited

Revisit your Pisces New Moon Spread and review the intentions you made during the new moon, pick out card number 3 place it in the center as card number one and then shuffle your deck and ask...

Libra Full Moon YesSpiralTarot Spread
Moonthly Spread
  1. What peaks as the moon becomes full in Libra? (use card number 3 from Pisces new moon spread)

  2. What warms your heart and brings you joy?

  3. How can you invite a feeling of harmony and balance in your life?

  4. What action can you take to rekindle a friendship/relationship?

  5. What part of your life needs a little compassion and acceptance?

Full Moon Ritual

Charge your Spiritual Tools

The light of the Full Moon amplifies everything with the energy of manifestation.

  • Take out your crystals, rosaries, tarot, and oracle decks (etc) and cleanse them with the scared smoke of sage, cedar, copal or whatever is native to where you live. The important thing is cleanse with the intention of clearing and neutralizing energies from the tools.

  • To charge your spiritual tools take them outside where they can get the energy of the moon (a window sill will also do).

  • For each spiritual tool state your intention and add something like "I invite the light and manifestation power of this Full Moon to bless and amplify this spiritual tool so it may serve its highest good. Blessed be."

  • In the morning offer a prayer of gratitude to the moon and your spiritual tools for its potent new energies.

Updated 03/25/24

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