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Libra New Moon

Work with the phases of the Libra New Moon Cycle to design the life you want.

Libra New Moon. Libra Glyph the Scales, Libra Symbol. 2022 Cycle Sept 25th - Oct 23rd

Welcome to AUTUMN!

Autumn is the time of year when the days and nights are of equal length. Every day gets a little shorter until Winter Solstice. In NYC I welcome the cool mornings and nights and I savor the warm days of autumn.

The official start of the autumnal season coincides with the start of Libra Season on September 22nd. Libra is the cardinal sign of creating harmonious relationships. Libra is a natural at finding peace and balance in any situation. They see things clearly and act with tact and diplomacy.

The Libra new moon invites you to develop relationships and partnerships. The tools of the time are communication and intellect.

The Libra New Moon

The Libra 2023 New Moon is on Saturday, October 14th

Libra the sign of beauty, harmony, and relationships. The energy is supportive, creative, and collaborative. There is a need to cooperate with others and to create a sense of peace. Libra is ruled by Venus the planet of love, relationships, and abundance. The archetypes of Libra are the Lover, the Artist, and the Peacemaker. When Libra is on a downward spiral the energy is combative, superficial, and tacky. The tarot card associated with Libra is Justice.

Develop Relationships that lead to Partnerships

What are the Libra Focus Areas?

Set Libra Intentions

The new moon is when the sun and the moon are together in the sky. Making it a potent time to set intentions based on the focus area of the zodiac sign they are in. The Libra New Moon is a potent time to set intentions around partners, balance, harmony, and kindness.

Libra rulerships, Partnerships, Collaboration, Friendliness, Balance, Harmony

Review Libra's focus areas. Identify which attributes/qualities you would like to cultivate or release. It can be something to focus on this new moon (aka moonth), season, year, or for the rest of your life. Also, identify if there is a shadow aspect you’d like to work through.

  • Partnerships: Marriage, Agreements, Interdependence

  • Collaboration: Teamwork, Cooperation, Camaraderie

  • Friendliness: Tact, Diplomacy, Kindness, Peacekeeping

  • Balance: Equity, Compromise, Justice, Impartial

  • Harmony: Peace, Beauty, Art, Adornments

  • Sophistication: Luxury, Elegance, Pampering, Style

  • Codependency: Indecisive, Hesitant, Subservient


  1. Pick some of the Keywords above.

  2. Journal why you would like to bring in or release these qualities.

  3. Write down up to ten intentions or wishes themed on Libra focus areas.

The best way to make your intentions into a reality is by dedicating time to them. Every new moon I set my intentions, do my tarot spread, and revisit it. I reflect on where I was, where I am, and where I'm going. I find this introspection brings me clarity on how to move forward. It also helps with synchronicity because the Universe knows what I want.

Libra 2023 Moonth Cycle Oct 14th - Nov 13th

What are the important dates of the Libra Moonth?

The Libra 2023 New Moon cycle starts on October 14th and ends on November 13th

This Libra Moonth, the new and waxing moons are both in cardinal signs inviting us to take action. The energy will nudge us to develop our relationships and partnerships for our personal development and growth. The waxing moon energy will have us focused on our principles and reputation. We need those when we are developing strong relationships. The full, waning, and next new moon are all in fixed signs. This will give us the persistence necessary to bring our intentions to fruition. The next new moon in Scorpio will draw our attention to consistency and purpose.

Autumn Edition New Moon Tarot Workbook

Libra New Moon Tarot Spread

Yes Spiral Practice

Work with the energies of the moon, astrology, and tarot all at once. The tarot spread below is a SPIRAL practice. The first and last card connect one new moon to the next. Card #5 becomes card #1 in the next new moon spread.

Libra New Moon Tarot Spread.
  1. What is the seed of the Libra new moon?

  2. What do you nurture to grow at the Capricorn waxing moon?

  3. What do you celebrate/forgive at the Taurus full moon?

  4. What do you release at the Leo waning moon?

  5. What is the seed of the upcoming moonth in Scorpio? (use card #5 as card # 1 next moonth)

What are the important dates of the Libra Moonth?

The Libra 2023 New Moon cycle: October 14th - November 13th.

This Libra Moonth, the new and waxing moons are both in cardinal signs inviting us to take action. The energy will nudge us to develop our relationships and partnerships for our personal development and growth. The waxing moon energy will have us focused on our principles and reputation. We need those when we are developing strong relationships. The full, waning, and next new moon are all in fixed signs. This will give us the persistence necessary to bring our intentions to fruition.

  1. Libra New Moon - 10/14/23 - The Libra new moon invites you to develop relationships and partnerships. The tools of the time are communication and intellect.

  2. Capricorn Waxing Moon – 10/21/23 - The Capricorn waxing moon invites you to nourish your principals and reputation. The tools of the time are values and practicality.

  3. Taurus Full Moon - 10/28/23 - The Taurus full moon invites you to celebrate your consistency and resources. The tools of the time are patience and stability.

  4. Leo Waning Moon - 11/05/23 - The Leo waning moon invites you to release resistance to enthusiasm and socializing. The tools of the time are action and personal will.

  5. Scorpio Next New Moon -11/13/23 - The Scorpio next new moon invites you to develop consistency and purpose. The tools of the time are healing and spirituality.

Moon Newsletter Sign up

Keep up with the phases and cycles of the moon with the YesSpiral newsletter sign up here. You will get an email at the new, waxing, full, and waning moons.

Join the Libra New Moon Circle at Flower Power

Libra New Moon Circle at Flower Power

What to Expect

  • new moon energies

  • power of astrological focus areas

  • Intention setting ritual

  • sharing

  • receiving

  • FUN


  • Intentions and Affirmations

  • Tarot spread to keep you focused on what you want


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