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Autumn Tarot Cards

The official start of the autumnal season coincides with the start of Libra Season.

The changing colors and dropping of the leaves represents autumn energy

Autumn is the time of year when the days and nights are of equal length. As the days pass they get a little shorter and cooler until we reach Winter Solstice. Libra starts off autumn by creating beauty and balance. I welcome the cool mornings and nights and savor the warm days of autumn. I also appreciate the trees changing colors and releasing their leaves as they prepare for Winter. The process of the trees dropping their leaves serves as a reminder that letting go is a natural part of life. This prepares us for when Scorpio season invites us to transform. While Sagittarius season rounds out autumn with optimism, faith, and adventure.

This post will give you an overview of the zodiac signs, element, and corresponding major arcana tarot cards associated with autumn. Each sign has six tarot cards directly associated with it. If you take a look at the yesspiral astrology and tarot wheel you find will all find 78 tarot cards arranged around the zodiac. For more details check out our three part series on it, read part one here.

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Astrology & Tarot Wheel 78 tarot cards, 12 zodiac signs 12 planets, 4 seasons 3 modalities

Which tarot cards represent the elements and the seasons?

The Aces represent the Seasons. The Pages represent the elements.

The Aces represent the seasons and the Pages represent the elemental energy of the season. The Aces and the Pages sit outside of the Astrology and Tarot Wheel within the Solstices and Equinoxes.

The Ace of Cups is known as the The Power of Water.

Ace of Cups Tarot Card, Rider Waite, Autumn, A hand from the sky holds a overflowing chalice receives the host delivered by a dove.

In tarot, the Ace of Cups corresponds

to the energy of Autumn.

In tarot the element of water is represented by cups which symbolizes our imagination, emotions, spirituality, and healing.

Imagination, Emotions, Spirituality, and Healing

The Aces represent the pure potential of the suit. Think of them as seeds from which cards 2 - 10 will develop, grow, and progress.

When an aces comes up in a reading, it is always positive.

The Page of Cups is known as the Personification of Water.

Page of Cups Tarot Card, Rider Waite, Young Person contemplates  a chalice with a fish that appears to be talking.

The page of cups connects the suit of cups to the realm of emotion by being adaptable and open to intuitive guidance. They insert a sense of enthusiasm, wonder, and imaginative optimism to any and all situations.

Which are the water signs?

Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces

What are the Zodiac Signs of Autumn?

The Zodiac Signs of Autumn are Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius

What are the Autumn Tarot Cards?

Libra, Justice Tarot Card, Rider Waite, A goddess seated on a throne holds a sword on one hand and scales on another.


Justice embodies Libra in Tarot.

Libra is the sign of beauty, harmony, and relationships. It is a natural at finding peace and balance in any situation. They see things clearly and act with tact and diplomacy. The energy is supportive, creative, and collaborative. There is a need to cooperate with others to establish a sense of peace.


Justice is extroverted and communicative. Skilled at solving problems, negotiating, and coming up with agile solutions for any situation. She rules the arts, takes leadership roles, and initiates change and forward movement with decisive action.

Death Tarot Card, Scorpio, Death wearing armor rides a horse and the sun sets in the background.


Scorpio is embodied by Death in Tarot.

Scorpio is the sign of sex, death and rebirth. When Scorpio comes around transformation beckons. There is a strong ability to focus intensely. This brings about change, self-discipline, deep emotional connections, financial partnerships, and or power. There is a need for deep involvements and intense transformation.


Death is a card of transition suggesting release, change, and transformation. Occasionally Death is represented by a phoenix and its rebirth from its ashes represents conversion of energy instead of loss of energy. Death calls for release of old habits, patterns, and relationships.

New Moon Intention Journal, tarot spread

Sagittarius , Temperance Tarot Card, Rider Waite, An angel stands between water and earth holding two cups pouring water from one to the other.


Sagittarius is embodied by Temperance in Tarot.

Sagittarius is known as the archer who shoots his arrow into the distance, optimistic for the potential of what will come from it. Sagittarius symbolizes a free inner nature with an ethical conscience. Sagittarius invites us to explore and expand the horizons of the mind, such as our religion and faith. Sagittarius inspires us to be confident and adventurous.


Temperance depicts the alchemical process of blending and mixing distinct elements to discover what the combination may bring. It also symbolizes remaining grounded in reality (foot on ground) and in touch with emotions (foot in water). Representing calm and inner balance.

I'll go into more detail about the zodiac sign Libra in the upcoming New Moon in Libra blog post, coming up on October 14th 2023.

In the meantime, I hope Libra inspires you to bring beauty, fairness, and balance into your relationship with yourself and those around you.

YesSpiral Into Synchronicity

Updated 09/20/23

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