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Leo New Moon

Work with the Phases of the Leo New Moon Cycle to design the life you want.

Leo New Moon. Leo Lion, 2022 Leo New Moon Cycle July 28th - Aug 27th

The Leo New Moon settles us into the height of summer and into the fieriest season of the year in the northern hemisphere. It embodies the element of fire and the energy of the Sun. The days are long, the plants have blossomed, and the first harvest is coming up soon. Cancer started off the season by taking us on a practical quest to secure our home and family. The Leo new moon invites us to develop creative and fun practices in our lives.

The 2024 Leo New Moon

King of Wands Fixed Fire have courage to follow your instincts

The Leo 2024 New Moon is on Sunday August 4th at 7:13 am ET.

Leo is the lion, the ruler of love and the heart. They are enthusiastic, self-assured, and creative leaders. They are generous and full of vitality and inspiration. Leo has a need to express themselves and be appreciated by others. Ruled by the Sun, Leo’s get noticed, they radiate dignity and confidence. The Leo mood is open-hearted, romantic, and playful. The archetypes of Leo are the Performer, the Child, and the Clown. When Leo is on a downward spiral the energy is dictatorial, self-centered, and arrogant. The tarot card associated with Leo is Strength. Strength symbolizes courage, self-discipline, and determination.

Leo is Fixed Fire Aka The King of Wands - this year he invites you get noticed, praised, and exude confidence.

What are the Leo Focus Areas?

The new moon is when the sun and the moon are together in the sky. Making it a potent time to set intentions based on rulerships of the zodiac sign they are in. The the Leo New Moon is a potent time to set intentions around courage, love, and developing our instincts.

Leo focus areas, Heart Connections, Giving Love, Creativity, Recognition, Pleasure, Determination, Arrogance
  • Heart Connections: Romance, Dating, Affairs, Inner Child, Playfulness

  • Giving Love: Loyalty, Generosity, Joy, Encouragement, Kindness

  • Creativity: Creative Projects, Artistic Expression, Enthusiasm, Passion

  • Recognition: Self-Confidence, Self-Expression, Dignity, Being Center Stage

  • Pleasure: Fun, Parties, Celebrations, Vacations, Me-time, Amusement

  • Determination: Leadership, Concentration, Purpose, Stamina

  • Arrogance: Pride, Dramatic, Self-Centered, Extravagant, Bossy

Leo 2023 New Moon Cycle August 16th - September 14th 2023

When is the Leo 2024 New Moon Cycle?

The Leo 20224 New Moon cycle starts on August 4th and ends on September 2nd.

This year the Leo new moon starts us off in steady and persistent fixed energy and continues through the waxing, and full moons. Asking us to slow down and enjoy the height of summer. The waning and next new moons are in adaptable and flexible mutable signs and invite us to make room for our evolving selves. Mutable energy is resourceful and integrates lessons learned when making choices for the future.

Transform your life with intentions and goals YesSpiral New Moon Intention Journal

  1. Leo New Moon - The Leo new moon invites you to develop the skill of self-promotion and to approach life with confidence. The tools of the time are personal will and enthusiasm.

  2. Scorpio Waxing Moon – The Scorpio waxing moon invites you to nourish your intimate relationships & obligations. The tools of the time are feelings, and intuition.

  3. Aquarius Full Moon – The Aquarius full moon invites you to celebrate your friendships and community. The tools of the time are communication and being social.

  4. Gemini Waning Moon – The Gemini waning moon invites you to release resistance to forming aquaintances. The tools of the time are thoughts and intention.

  5. Virgo New Moon - The Virgo next new moon invites you to develop discipline with routines. The tools of the time practicality and stability.

Leo New Moon Tarot Spread

Yes Spiral practice, work with the energies of the moon, astrology, and tarot all at once. The tarot spread below is a SPIRAL practice. The first and last card connect one moonth to the next. Card #5 becomes card #1 in the next new moon spread.

Leo New Moon Tarot Spread - focus on creativity, play, fun, and self promotion. Connect with your inner child.
  1. What is the seed of the Leo Moonth?

  2. What do you nurture to grow at the waxing moon?

  3. What do you celebrate/forgive at the full moon?

  4. What do you release at the waning moon?

  5. What is the seed of the upcoming moonth in Virgo? (use card #5 as card # 1 next moonth)

I wrote about the tarot cards associated with Leo in a previous Leo New Moon blog post. You can find it here.

The best way to make your intentions into a reality is by dedicating time to them. Every new moon I take out my journal, set my intentions, do my tarot spread, and revisit it. I reflect on where I was, where I am, and where I'm going. I find this introspection brings me clarity on how to move forward. It also helps with synchronicity because the Universe knows what I want.

Transform your life with intentions and goals YesSpiral New Moon Intention Journal

updated July 2024

updated 08/15/23

Yes Spiral into Synchronicity

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