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  • Full Moon in Scorpio

    The Full Moon is the climax of the new moon cycle. It is at its brightest and shines light on the deepest parts of ourselves we usually keep hidden. The Scorpio full moon invites you to celebrate commitments and honor financial obligations. Take stock of your achievements and recognize the progress you've made towards your goals. What about Scorpio? Scorpio is the sign of sex, death, rebirth, and other people's money. Think inheritances and taxes. When Scorpio is in the mix transformation beckons. There is a strong ability to focus on things that bring about change and discipline. Scorpio is also about financial partnerships, contracts, and obsessions. Scorpio energy has the ability to form deep emotional connections and relationships. On a downward spiral Scorpio is vindictive, suspicious, and deceptive. Pluto the planet of transformation, death, and destruction rules over Scorpio and teaches us that endings are part of the cycle of rebirth and resurrection. What are the symbols for Scorpio? The symbols for Scorpio are the Scorpion for its dangerous sting and the Phoenix for its ability to be reborn from ash. The archetypes of Scorpio are the Mystic, The Alchemist, and the Detective. The tarot card associated with Scorpio is Death. Scorpio influences us to embrace transformation and rebirth. It encourages us to transform any destructive habits and routines into regenerating rituals that soothe the soul. Review Your Scorpio New Moon Intentions The Scorpio New Moon was on November 13th 2023 Did you set intentions at the Scorpio new moon back in November 2023? If you didn't, think about what you were up to in the middle of November. If you can't remember (that was six months ago!) go into your calendar or do a search on your phone to see the pictures you took around that time to jog your memory. If you did, go to your notes and review your intentions, goals, or wishes. Have any of them come to fruition? Yes? Great! You are focused on what you want. No? do you still want to work on that? Is it aligned with what you want now? If not, let it go, throw it into the fire. Walking away from things is totally okay. It is one way of getting clear about what we want in our lives. If yes, take a moment to breathe in some fresh energy to your power center and call on the initiating and assertive energy of Aries. Imagine how manifesting those intentions will make you feel. If it feels good, continue working on it. If you feel discomfort then go back and re-word your intention or scrap it. New Moon Tarot Spread revisited Revisit your Aries New Moon Spread and review the intentions you made at the new moon, pick out card number 3 place it in the center as card number one and then shuffle your deck and ask... What peaks as the moon becomes full in Scorpio? (use card number 3 from Aries new moon spread) What aspect of your life could use some transformation? What part of yourself or life is coming to an end and how are you coping? What habit or routine can you let go of to transform into a more effective leader? What curiosity lives in the depths of your soul? Aries Moonth Cycle Review: We are now in at the Scorpio Full Moon. Aries New Moon - develop your personal brand and leadership skills. Cancer Waxing Moon - nourish your gut instincts and financial security. Scorpio Full Moon - celebrate commitments and honor financial obligations. Aquarius Waning Moon - release resistance deepening friendships and building networks. Spiral Taurus New Moon - developing your resources, finances, and traditions. Updated 04/20/24 Updated 05/04/23

  • Leo Waxing Moon

    The first quarter moon is waxing in Leo. It is time to get to the heart of the matter with with creativity. Let your light shine by expressing yourself in creative and noticeable ways. At the first quarter moon phase the moon is in between new and full. This happens approximately one week after the new moon and one week before the full moon. The first quarter waxing moon is a time of growth. Whatever seeds you planted at the new moon have now taken root and are beginning to shoot up. This is a good time to review your intentions and notice if any of them have words that are vague or general. Circle those words and come up with specific words to describe what you want to bring into your life. Leo Moon Attributes We are under the Aries New Moon Umbrella which is all about taking an active leadership role in your life. Leo and Aries are both fire signs meaning they uses the tools of taking action, creativity, and personal will to make things happen. When the moon is in Leo there is a need to give creatively express yourself and be appreciated by others. This is a good time to show off. If you have a new outfit wear it, if you have an accomplishment post it on social media or tell your boss about it. Aries and Leo together influence us to be brave, bold, and creative. Cardinal and Fixed Energy This moonth started off with cardinal (initiating) energy from Aries but the waxing, full, and waning moons are all fixed signs meaning the energy is all about stabilizing, determination, depth and persistence. The actions you take under fixed influence can easily turn into habits and routines. Think about your currents habits, anything you want to replace? The planetary ruler of Leo is the Sun who represents our basic identity and conscious purpose in life. The sun shines a light on the things you want to in your life. The moon in Leo encourages us to be generous and you may be inclined to help others feel appreciated by celebrating their achievements. Leo Waxing Moon Tarot or Oracle Spread What begins to grow as the moon waxes in Leo? What is one way you can express your creativity? How can you take an active leadership role in your life? In what ways are you bold, brave, and creative? What is a new habit you can begin to help design the life you want? #moonthlyspread I would love to see your tarot spread. Share it on Instagram with the hashtag above Updated 04/27/23

  • Digestive Bitters

    Bitter flavors increases the efficiency of our digestive tract and our overall wellness. Spring has sprung! The trees in my neighborhood are already budding and some are blossoming. In a recent post I wrote about spring cleaning my life and now I want to talk about spring cleaning our digestive systems. Yes, I said digestive system! Our digestive systems work better when we give it attention. The winter months foods are indulgent and comforting. They help us through the cold nights (or through this year long and counting pandemic). Yet, when Spring comes along, it is a good idea to change up our diets with the warmer weather. The digestive systems primary function is to turn the food into nutrients. The body uses the nutrients for energy, growth and regeneration. When does the digestive process begin? The digestive process begins the moment you smell your food. Have you noticed when you smell something good you start to salivate? That means your brain sent a message to your digestive system to get ready to do its job. The second part of digestion is when you start chewing your food into small pieces. There are specific receptors on the tongue that trigger saliva to continue the process of breaking food down into a form your body can absorb and use. The digestive process continues but this is all I will say about it here. There are five basic taste profiles you are familiar with and embrace: sweet, salty, sour, and umami flavors but how comfortable are you with bitter flavors? Most people are not at ALL comfortable with bitter flavors and avoid them. However, bitter flavors send signals to the digestive system to wake it up so it can get to work. Bitter flavors also assist in the process of breaking down sugars from sweets and carbs and curb cravings. This process increases the efficiency of our digestive tract and our overall wellness. Most importantly of all (to my vain self) bitters support beautiful, healthy, and clear skin because it helps to break down our food. Bitters support beautiful, healthy, and clear skin. My love of bitters started in 2016 when I attended a class called Bitters for Digestion. I didn't know anything about bitters but I was drawn to that class and I'm glad I followed my instinct and signed up because what I learned in that class has stuck with me ever since. The teacher taught us about bitters by having us taste approximately 20 bitter herbs. All the while asking us to determine which herbs appealed to us and which didn't. It resulted in me purchasing 6 of the bitter herbs, roots, and seeds to create my very own digestive bitters blend. Ive have been hooked on it ever since. I usually have a YesSpiral Bitters tincture bottle in my bag to take before and after meals. I also take it when I'm craving sweets or when I want to cleanse my palate. Which are bitter herbs? Gentian works to strengthen digestive activity and to release stomach acid. Angelica is carminative and helps to prevent and expel gas. Dong Quai promotes absorption of food. Fenugreek is anti-inflammatory. Sage is antimicrobial and a tonic for the digestive system. Cardamon soothes the digestive system and smells and tastes great. Have you ever taken a bitters tincture as medicine?

  • New Moon in Aries

    The Sun and Moon are together again in the sign of Aries. When the sun and moon are together in a sign (conjunct) it means the moon is starting a new cycle and that happens tonight at 10:31 pm ET. The spring equinox kicked off the astrological new year when the sun went into Aries, the first sign of the zodiac and tonight is the first new moon of the new astrological year. It is a powerful time to set intentions and to take on a leadership role in your life. Each NEW MOON offers an opportunity for us to plant seeds of intentions that we can nurture and grow each new moon cycle. When the moon is in Aries there is a collective need to be independent and develop our authenticity by taking courageous action towards our goals and intentions. We feel an urgency to focus, initiate, and set boundaries. Aries is a fire sign which corresponds to creativity, identity, actions, and personal will. Aries embodies fire energy in the form of a shooting star. Have you ever seen a shooting star? The first time I saw one I felt inspired and energized. I was in awe. Tapping into Aries energy is like that. It brings out our inner leader to assertively take responsibility and actively design the life we want. Aries Tarot Cards Aries energy is personified by the Emperor in tarot. When in an upward spiral he is fearless, confident, courageous, and a visionary leader. He has the ability to create order and take action. The Emperor rules with logic and reason and may lead him to to cone across as willful, stubborn, and inflexible. Mars the warrior planet of aggression, assertiveness, and self-dense rules over Aries. He is associated with confidence and power. In the tarot, Mars is represented by The Tower symbolizing dramatic change, destruction, enlightenment, inspiration, and release. Aries Rules Over: New Beginnings: Initiating, Taking Action, Innovative Approach Focusing on Self: Physical Body, Survivial Issues, Instincts Assertiveness Authenticity: Honesty, Impulsiveness, Straightforwardness, Innocence Self Discovery: Exploration, Taking Risks, Competition, Eagerness Independence: Self-Direction, Self-Reliance, Autonomy, Self-Sufficiency Warrior Nature: Courage, Leadership, Strength, Boldness, Vigilance Self Absorption: Selfishness, Vanity, Anger, Impatience, Alienating Others. Health: Acne, Eyes, Head, Face, Scalp, Brain, Headaches, Dizziness Use the list above to set your Aries influenced intentions, goals, and wishes. It is best to keep your list to 10 or less. Also, as the moon waxes, becomes full, and wanes make a note to come back to these intentions, goals, and wishes so you can refine them until they are crystal clear. Get reminders by subscribing to the YesSpiral Moonth blog. Aries Moonth Spread What is the seed (foundation) of the Moonth in Aries (inspiring and assertive)? What begins to grow as the moon waxes in Leo (creative and bold)? What peaks as the moon becomes full in Scorpio (transformative and complex)? What do I let go of as the moon wanes Aquarius (independent and innovative)? What is the seed (foundation) of the next moonth in Taurus (productive and resourceful)? (use this card as card number 1 next moonth). YesSpiral Tip: Take a picture of your spread and notes to keep on your phone for quick reference throughout the moonth. Share your spread on instagram with the hashtag #moonthlyspread I created a Moonth in Aries Workbook which covers everything here plus much more, click the link to visit the shop. Alternatively, download a free simple version of the workbook in the gifts area. Click here to sign up for the Aries New Moon Circle on zoom on Monday, April 12th at 7pm ET. We will discuss Aries energy in more detail, set intentions, and use tarot as a framework. Next up in the Aries Moonth Cyle is the Waxing Moon in Leo on Monday April 19th.

  • Dark Moon in Pisces

    The moon has now gone round the zodiac and returned back to Pisces. This time is known as the dark moon and the balsamic moon. It encourages introspection, meditation, and divination. Pisces is a mutable (adaptable to change) water (emotions and intuition) sign. The dark moon phase is a good time to review the intentions set at the new moon then take a few moments to reflect how you felt this moonth. Acknowledge both when you were up/positive/happy/grateful/peaceful and when you were down/negative/sad/worried/anxious. Doing this exercise can help you gain clarity towards the things you want to invite into your life vs the things you want to banish. Also, this practice can help you avoid those negative feelings by noticing the early warning signs when they are coming up so can take steps to nip them in the bud. In addition to doing this at the dark moon this is something you can practice at the end of any cycle such as when you are leaving a job, ending a relationship, or when a birthday is coming up. Ritual Time Set the mood, light some candles, or adjust the lights in your home to invite in a feeling of warmth, safety, and comfort. Light some incense or put your favorite essential oils in the diffuser (I like to diffuse, palo santo, eucalyptus, and cedar). Take out your favorite crystals to keep you company and brew up a cup of tea (or make yourself your calming and soothing beverage of choice). Burning and Banishing Herb Craft Things you will need: Fireproof bowl (or pot) Bay Leaves (or paper) Sharpie or Pen Matches or candle The Ritual Write out things you wish to banish on the bay leaves or paper. Be specific, for example: “release fear about X” “banish limiting belief about X” instead of "fear" or "limiting belief". Limit this to 10. Take the Bay leaf (or paper) and light with the flame from the matches or candle, saying out loud (or quietly) what you have written. For example: “I hereby release all fear about X”, or I banish limiting beliefs about X. I no longer need the lessons that these feelings, things, or circumstances would teach me. If I haven’t already, I commit to learning these lessons in a way that allows clarity, conviction, and expansion of my heart". Drop the leaves onto the fireproof bowl or pot, and visualize the attachments dissolving into the ether. After you are done banishing these energies, invite a peaceful vibe back into your space by putting on some music you can dance to, doing a little shimmy shake, and expressing gratitude for all that is well and good in your life. For most potent results do this BEFORE the exact time of the New Moon in Aries on Sunday, April 11th at 10:31pm ET. New Moon in Aries circle is coming up on Monday April 12th at 7pm. Sign up and join me in community for a moonth, a season, or the full year.

  • Capricorn Waning Moon

    The Capricorn waning moon asks us to pause, reflect, assess, and release. In 2024 every waning moon of the mutable signs is in the cardinal sign the started the season. In other words, we started the Winter season with a new moon in Capricorn and now we end the lunar winter season with a waning moon in Capricorn. In addition, in 2024 we will have two Capricorn Full Moons. This is the universe asking us to focus on Capricorn themes. The first full moon will be on June 21st and the second on July 21st. This is a great opportunity to cut away any resistance to career, authority, and reputation. The phrase I came up with for the Capricorn new moon was for us to develop an impeccable reputation so we may move in the world with authority and attract success. As the winter season progressed opportunities for me to develop my career, authority, and reputation all came up. In some cases I chose to focus on other things. Now that the moon has cycled back into Capricorn I wonder what I can release so I can move to the next stage of my life, career, and personal development. Pisces moonth We started this moonth in Pisces where emotions become sensitive, delicate, and vulnerable, prompting us to acknowledge our feelings, even if it feels challenging. Our time in Pisces is ideal for meditation and reflection, allowing us to envision future goals for the month and year ahead. Utilize tools such as tarot cards, oracle cards, and pendulums for guidance. Consider starting, maintaining, or revising a dream or intention journal. Take the time to rest and internalize the wisdom gained from previous astrological signs. Capricorn Capricorn's energy invites in a need for structure, organization and accomplishing goals. When Capricorn is on an upward spiral the energy is disciplined, constructive, and ambitious. When the energy is on a downward spiral it is controlling, compulsive, and materialistic. Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign meaning it initiates action in the material world of family, traditions, and work. The planetary ruler of Capricorn is Saturn, known as the task master planet. It is active when we set a goal and helps us to work towards its achievement. When the moon is waning it is a good time to determine if anything is getting in the way of your success. Take steps to replace those actions that hinder your success with something more constructive. Capricorn Waning Moon The Capricorn waning moon invites you to release resistance to doing the things that lead you to move through the world with an impeccable reputation, authority, success. The tools of the time are being practical, grounded, and stable. Waning Moon Reflection Take a look at your intentions and notes from the Pisces new moon (and or the Capricorn New Moon) and consider what is asking to be released to make space for the new moon in Aries next week. Take out your tarot cards, find your Full Moon in Capricorn card from the Pisces New Moon Spread and place it in position number one. What do I let go of as the moon wanes in Capricorn? (Use card 4 from the New Moon in Pisces Spread) How can you release resistance to building authority? What hindering belief can be transformed/reframed? What can you do to move to the next step in your career? What action can you take now for a positive reputation amongst your peers? Updated 04/01/24

  • Libra Full Moon

    The moon becomes Full in Libra at 3am ET today. The Full Moon is the climax of the moonthly cycle as it is at its brightest and shines light on the deepest parts of ourselves we usually keep hidden. Libra Libra the sign of beauty, harmony, and relationships is a natural at finding peace and balance in any situation. They see things clearly and act with tact and diplomacy. The energy is supportive, creative, and collaborative. There is a need to cooperate with others to create beauty, balance, and harmony to establish a sense of peace. Libra Moon Vibe The moon in Libra vibe is focused on aesthetics. It inspires us to bring beauty, fairness, and balance to our lives and situations. Form, review, & renew friendships and partnerships. Reach out and pitch an idea that requires people skills and open minds. Have a party. Make design decisions, go shopping, redecorate. Get a new haircut. Put together a new outfit with old clothes. Pisces Moonth Cycle Review The Pisces Moonth cycle starts with flexible and adaptable energy, transitioning to focused and targeted cardinal energy at full moon. Pisces encourages reflection and change towards personal fulfillment. The Gemini waxing moon emphasizes communication skills and joy. The Libra full moon invites celebration and forgiveness. The Capricorn waning moon prompts releasing resistance towards having the career and reputation we want. Do what it takes to get there. The Aries new moon ushers us into the Spring season, prompting personal growth and reinvention. Libra Full Moon Libra is a cardinal air sign meaning its energy is about initiating social and intellectual (air) action. In other words it's about starting new friendships and rekindling others that have started to die down. One of Libra's super powers is being charming so this is a good time to pick up the phone and randomly call that friend you've been meaning to reach out to. If they don't answer leave them a cute voicemail. Let them know you are thinking of them and want to set up a time to meet (even if on FaceTime or Zoom). Libra Review Did you set intentions on the Libra new moon back in October 2023? If you did, go to your notes and review your intentions, goals, wishes. Have any of them come to fruition? Yes? Great! You are focused on what you want. No? do you still want to work on that? Is it aligned with what you want now? If not, let it go, throw it into the fire. If yes, take a moment to get introspective and tap into the Pisces Water energy of feelings and emotions. Try to imagine out how manifesting those intentions will make you feel. If it feels good, continue working on it. If you feel discomfort then go back and re-word your intention or scrap it. Pisces Moonth Spread Revisited Revisit your Pisces New Moon Spread and review the intentions you made during the new moon, pick out card number 3 place it in the center as card number one and then shuffle your deck and ask... What peaks as the moon becomes full in Libra? (use card number 3 from Pisces new moon spread) What warms your heart and brings you joy? How can you invite a feeling of harmony and balance in your life? What action can you take to rekindle a friendship/relationship? What part of your life needs a little compassion and acceptance? Full Moon Ritual Charge your Spiritual Tools The light of the Full Moon amplifies everything with the energy of manifestation. Take out your crystals, rosaries, tarot, and oracle decks (etc) and cleanse them with the scared smoke of sage, cedar, copal or whatever is native to where you live. The important thing is cleanse with the intention of clearing and neutralizing energies from the tools. To charge your spiritual tools take them outside where they can get the energy of the moon (a window sill will also do). For each spiritual tool state your intention and add something like "I invite the light and manifestation power of this Full Moon to bless and amplify this spiritual tool so it may serve its highest good. Blessed be." In the morning offer a prayer of gratitude to the moon and your spiritual tools for its potent new energies. Updated 03/25/24

  • Design Your Life with The Moon, Tarot and Astrology

    Combining Tarot, the Moon, and Astrology for clarity, direction, and trusting my intuition. The Spring season officially started on the equinox on March 20th along with the start of the astrological new year when the Sun entered Aries. The sun is now shining brighter, warmer, and longer each day. The cold air is turning warm, the daffodils have started blooming, and soon the trees will begin budding with flowers and leaves. Spring cleaning is always at the forefront of my mind during this time of year. But what if, instead of cleaning my home, I spent a year on a life cleaning journey? What do I keep? Discard? What routines would I implement? Devotion to Myself? Many people devote themselves to their families, religion, work, sports, friends, etc but I wonder how about devoting myself to living my best life? Can you imagine what a best life looks like? What does it cover? How does it make you feel? What things will grab your attention? For about a decade I've devoted myself to all different kinds of personal development and spiritual practices (bachelors degree, professional licenses, yoga teacher training, tarot, shamanism, ) to determine which one will lead me to live my best life. I call them yes spirals because it involves saying yes to something outside my comfort zone. From my experience, I've found that there isn't a specific "thing" that completes or fulfills me. It wasn't like I got my bachelor's degree and though I'm complete now. My personal development journey is over. In fact, the opposite happened, I wanted even more. Life Design? I have all kinds of things going on, I'm sure you do too: home, family, friends, career, passion projects, creativity, rest & relaxation, etc, etc. How then, can one practice cover and nourish it all? Simply put, It can't. Which is why I love to mix, match, and combine different practices to suit my needs. I'm devoted to combining practices, ideas, philosophies to create something new, comprehensive, and authentic to help me live a life I'm happy to life. Tarot, The Moon, & Astrology At this point I'm combining Tarot, the Moon, and Astrology; with a little herbalism thrown in here and there. I started with Tarot and that lead me to the Moon which incorporates Astrology. Together, this trifecta of tools has created a magical practice where I can use the attributes of astrology, the phases and cycles of the moon, along with tarot for clarity, direction, and trusting my intuition. How to work with the Moon The moon starts a new cycle in a different zodiac sign each month. I work with the phases of each moon cycle to initiate, persevere, manifest, and release. I tap into the astrological perspective by focusing on the rulerships of each sign. If you look at all 12 signs you will notice they cover all aspects of life. If you start with Aries, you focus on yourself, Taurus goes into your money and values, Gemini is about communication and building networks of understanding. Every sign builds upon the last until all aspects of life covered and you reach hope and imagining more for yourself in Pisces. I also incorporate tarot in my [Moon]thly practice to help me with clarity, direction, and decision making. The side effects of focusing on designing your life is that you will sleep better, reduce stress, anxiety, and create an upward spiral that will lead you to love your life as it unfolds. *See linked upward spirals blog post. A Year with the Moon , Tarot, & Astrology The image below shows the four seasons, twelve months, twelve signs with their rulerships. I added the Tarot Aces which correspond to the gift of the seasons. Aries: Authenticity Libra: Collaboration Taurus Values Scorpio: Transformation Gemini: Communication Sagittarius: Optimism Cancer: Confidence Capricorn: Ambition Leo: Courage Aquarius: Innovation Virgo Determination Pisces: Imagination The new cycle of this offering starts this Spring with Aries (the start of the astrological new year). It taps into Aries' initiatory (cardinal) new beginnings energy, grounding it with the values driven (fixed) spirit of Taurus, and rounding it out with the adaptable (mutable) communicative power of Gemini. The initiatory, grounding, and adaptable cycle begins anew in the Summer, Autumn, and Winter Seasons. Download a Free New Moon Workbook Get started today with the New Moon Workbook to design and manifest with the Moon, Astrology, and Tarot. Check out The Moonth at to learn dates for the upcoming new moon and the different ways you can join me in this practice for a moonth, a season, or a year.

  • Cancer Waxing Moon

    The Sun went into Aries which signals the start of the Spring Season aka the Spring Equinox yesterday. The Equinoxes are when the days and the nights are of equal length. Today the moon is waxing in the first quarter phase in Cancer. This is when the moon is in between new and full. This happens approximately one week after the new moon. The first quarter waxing moon is a time of growth. Whatever seeds were planted at the new moon have now taken root and are shooting up. Like Pisces, Cancer is also a water sign. The tools of water signs are feelings, emotions, and intuition. Cancer has a need to give and receive emotional support. Cancer is also a cardinal sign who asks you to take action on the dreams and hopes you identified at the new moon Pisces. Now is a good time to take action in manifesting your desires into the physical world. Especially under the initiating and leadership influence of Aries and the Spring season. The planetary ruler of Cancer is The Moon who represents our capacity to empathize with those around us and within our own soul nudging us to reconnect with your emotions. If you find yourself getting overwhelmed or defensive practice nonjudgemental awareness. This is when you bring awareness to the feelings that bubble up and notice them without attachment and reactivity. This includes positive and negative feelings. Waxing Moon in Cancer Tarot or Oracle Spread What begins to grow as the moon waxes in Cancer? In what ways are you giving and receiving emotional support? What action can you take today to manifest one of the intentions set at the new moon? How can you nourish your soul? What is your emotional state at the moment? #moonthlyspread I would love to see your tarot spread. Share it on Instagram with the hashtag above.

  • New Moon in Pisces

    The moon started her new cycle in Pisces today at 5:21 am ET. The time of the new moon is when the Sun and Moon meet at the same sign and ask us to take initiating actions such as planting seeds of intention. Each NEW MOON offers an opportunity to take charge of our lives by tapping into the potent power in the cosmos to solidify our intentions, goals, and wishes. When the New Moon is in Pisces there is a collective need to commit oneself to a dream or ideal and work towards it realization. Pisces is a water sign which corresponds to emotions, feelings, and intuition. The water image for Pisces is the ocean and I like to think of the iceberg model where 10% of the iceberg (the tip) floats above water and 90% is hidden beneath the surface like our feelings, emotions, and intuition. Pisces Tarot Cards The Moon card represents Pisces in Tarot. The most mystical sign of the zodiac. It is comfortable in the deep waters of intuition and spiritual transformation. It is changeable and reveals itself in bits and pieces and can also hide the darker side of its nature. In the Gaian Tarot, The Moon card says "I am in harmony with the waxing and waning of my emotions and intuition" The moon phases in the image represent the moonthly cycle of decent and return aka waxing and waning or ebbing and flowing. Neptune the planet of spiritual and inner psychology is the ruler of Pisces and in Tarot is assigned the Hanged Man Card. Both Neptune and the Hanged Man are associated with surrender and letting go to bring out a change in perspective. In the Gaian tarot, The Hanged Man is known as The Tree says "I find serenity in surrendering to the great mystery" (or God, or the Universe, or which ever word resonates with you). The leaves in the image represent old ideas, beliefs, memories, and teachings that have outlive their usefulness Pisces Rules Over: Imagination Internal Happiness Emotions Spiritual Awareness Inner Peace Compassion Deception Use the list above to set your Pisces influenced intentions, goals, and wishes. It is best to keep your list to 10 or less. Also, as the moon waxes, becomes full, and wanes go back to your intentions, goals, and wishes and refine them until they are crystal clear. Come back to YesSpiral Moonth blog to read about the phases as they come up. Pisces Moonth Spread What is the seed (foundation) of the Moonth in Pisces? What begins to grow as the moon waxes in Cancer? What peaks as the moon becomes full in Libra? What do I let go of as the moon wanes Capricorn? What is the seed (foundation) of the next moonth in Aries? (use this card as card number 1 next moonth). Pro Tip: Take a picture of your spread and notes to keep on your phone for quick reference throughout the moonth. Share your spread on instagram with the hashtag #moonthlyspread I created a Sun and Moon in Pisces Workbook which covers everything here plus much much more, click the link to visit the shop. Alternatively, download free a mini version of the workbook in the gifts area. Next up in the Pisces Moonth Cyle is the Waxing Moon in Cancer on Sunday March 21st. New Moon Circles are opening up again for the Aries Moonth. Click here to see more information.

  • Dark Moon in Aquarius

    The moon has now gone round the zodiac and returned back to Aquarius. This time is known as the dark moon and the balsamic crescent moon. It encourages introspection, meditation, and divination. Aquarius is a fixed (stabled and reliable) air (thoughts and logic) sign. The dark moon phase it is a good time to review the intentions set at the new moon (if you have extra time review other moonths as well) then take a few moments to reflect how you felt this moonth. Acknowledge both when you were up/positive/happy/grateful/peaceful and when you were down/negative/sad/worried/anxious. Doing this exercise can help you gain clarity as to the things you want to invite into your life vs the things you want to banish. Also, this practice can help you avoid those negative feelings by noticing the signs of when they are coming up so can take steps to nip them in the bud. In addition to doing this at the dark moon this is something you can practice at the end of any cycle such as when you are leaving a job, ending a relationship, or concluding a year of life. Ritual Time Set the mood, light some candles, or adjust the lights in your home to invite in a feeling of warmth, safety, and comfort. Light some incense or put your favorite essential oils in the diffuser (I like to diffuse, palo santo, eucalyptus, and cedar). Take out your favorite crystals to keep you company and brew up a cup of tea (or make yourself your calming and soothing beverage of choice). Burning and Banishing Herb Craft Things you will need: Fireproof bowl (or pot) Bay Leaves (or paper) Sharpie or Pen Matches or candle The Ritual Write out things you wish to banish on the bay leaves or paper. Be specific, for example: “release fear about X” “banish limiting belief about X” instead of "fear" or "limiting belief". Limit this to 10. Take the Bay leaf (or paper) and light with the flame from the matches or candle, saying out loud (or quietly) what you have written. For example: “I hereby release all fear about X”, or I banish limiting beliefs about X. I no longer need the lessons that these feelings, things, or circumstances would teach me. If I haven’t already, I commit to learning these lessons in a way that allows clarity, conviction, and expansion of my heart". Drop the leaves onto the fireproof bowl or pot, and visualize the attachments dissolving into the ether. After you are done banishing these energies, invite a peaceful vibe back into your space by putting on some music you can dance to, doing a little shimmy shake, and expressing gratitude for all that is well and good in your life. For most potent results do this BEFORE the exact time of the New Moon in Aquarius on Saturday, March 13th at 5:21 am ET. New Moon in Pisces circle is coming up on Saturday March 13th at 7pm.

  • Sagittarius Waning Moon

    The Sagittarius waning moon invites you to release resistance to looking for freedom while continuing your education. The tools of the time are personal will and passion. Sagittarius Sagittarius is known as the archer who shoots his arrow into the distance, optimistic for the potential of what will come from it. Sagittarius is also known as the Centaur, half-horse half-man symbolizing a free inner nature and an ethical conscience. When Sagittarius is around there is a need to explore and expand the horizons of the mind and the world, such as our religion, faith, and ethical codes. Sagittarius inspires us to be confident, adventurous, and ethical. Sagittarius Waning Moon The moon is waning in Sagittarius. It stands in the center of the Full Moon light and New moon darkness asking us to pause, reflect, assess, and release. The releasing makes room for the next new moon in Pisces coming up next week. Under the Sagittarius us the mood is honest, frank, spontaneous, and optimistic. Break up your daily routine with a yoga stretch. Take the long way home. Talk to someone with a different perspective. Share a controversial topic on social media to spark conversation. Explore the joys and responsibilities of free speech, Investigate for new news sources. Make travel arrangements. Sagittarius Waning Moon Tarot Spread Reflect and Assess Take a look at your intentions and notes from the New Moon and consider what has to be released to make room space for the new moon next week. What do I release as the moon wanes in Sagittarius? (Use card 4 from the New Moon Tarot Spread) What makes me feel free? What part of my life would benefit from expanding my mind? What do I have to continue my education on? In what ways am I visionary and wise?

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