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  • The Body's Cosmic connection to Astrology and Herbalism

    Discover the cosmic ties between astrology and herbalism! Uncover how each zodiac sign influences specific body areas and the supporting herbs to nurture them. Astrology and Herbalism While many people know about astrological signs and their correspoding personality traits, few people know the astrological connection to the physical body. Each of the twelve zodiac signs in astrology rules over specific areas of the human body, influencing our strengths, vulnerabilities, and overall well-being. This blog post outlines these cosmic connections, exploring the twelve zodiac signs and the corresponding body areas they are rule over. Additionally, I've listed supporting herbs to support and nurture these areas. Please note that herbs are multifacted and are more than the sum of their parts. Some herbs support many functions. For example as you will see dandelion and turmeric are both mentioned 4 times for different reasons. It is also important to note that while the herbs mentioned in this post can be consumed as teas or tinctures or as other remedies, it is ideal to consult with a qualified herbalist or healthcare professional, especially if you have an existing medical condition or are taking prescription medications. You may also want to consult an herbalism book like I did to write this post. My favorites include: Andrew Chevallier's Herbal Remedies Rosemary Gladstar's Herbs for Common Ailments David Winston and Steven Maimes' Adaptogens, Herbs for Strength Stamina, and Stress Relief Dr Sharol Marie Tilgner's Herbal Medicine, from the heart of the earth I noticed there are also herbalism and astrology books you can get but most are geared more towards magic than healing. Here are the twelve zodiac signs, the body areas they rule ov and some supportive herbs. Aries - Head, brain, face, eyes The first sign of the zodiac, Aries governs the head, influencing brain function, facial features, and eye health. Supportive Herbs for Aries: Ginkgo biloba (improves brain function), Kava Kava (soothes tension headaches and relives stress and anxiety), bilberry (supports eye health). Taurus - Throat, neck, thyroid, vocal cords Taurus is linked to the throat area, which includes the thyroid glands and vocal cords, affecting voice quality, swallowing, and hormonal health. Supportive Herbs for Taurus: Slippery elm (soothes sore throats), licorice root (supports vocal cords and throat), Ashwagandha (thyroid stimulant). Gemini - Shoulders, arms, lungs, hands, nervous system Gemini oversees the upper limbs, lungs, and nervous system, influencing dexterity, respiratory function, and nerve health. Supportive Herbs for Gemini: Turmeric (reduces inflammation), mullein (supports respiratory health), Milky Oat Tops (calms the nerves). Cancer - Breasts, chest, stomach, pancreas Cancer governs the chest area, including the breasts, stomach, and pancreas, impacting digestion and breast health. Supportive Herbs for Cancer: Dandelion root (supports digestion), red clover (promotes breast health), ginger (aids digestion). Leo - Heart, spine, back Leo is associated with the heart, spine, and back, influencing cardiovascular health and spinal alignment. Supportive Herbs for Leo: Hawthorn berry (supports heart health), turmeric (reduces inflammation), Willow Bark (aids back pain relief). Virgo - Intestines, bowels, digestion Virgo rules the digestive system, including the intestines and bowels, affecting nutrient absorption and elimination. Supportive Herbs for Virgo: Fennel (aids digestion), triphala (promotes regularity), peppermint (soothes the digestive tract). Libra - Adrenal glands, buttocks, kidneys Libra governs the adrenal glands, buttocks, and kidneys, influencing stress response and fluid balance. Supportive Herbs for Libra: Ashwagandha (adaptogen for stress relief), dandelion root (supports kidney health), nettle (diuretic for fluid balance). Scorpio - Genitals, menstrual cycle, elimination organs Scorpio is linked to the reproductive system, menstrual cycle, and elimination organs, affecting sexual and hormonal health. Supportive Herbs for Scorpio: Chaste tree berry (balances hormones), red raspberry leaf (supports menstrual health), cranberry (prevents UTIs). Sagittarius - Hips, liver, thighs Sagittarius rules the hips, liver, and thighs, influencing mobility, detoxification, and muscle strength. Supportive Herbs for Sagittarius: Milk thistle (supports liver health), turmeric (reduces inflammation in joints), horsetail (strengthens bones and muscles). Capricorn - Bones, joints, gall bladder Capricorn governs the bones, joints, and gall bladder, affecting skeletal health, joint mobility, and bile production. Supportive Herbs for Capricorn: Horsetail (promotes bone health), turmeric (reduces joint inflammation), dandelion root (supports gall bladder). Aquarius - Ankles, calves, circulation system, veins Aquarius is associated with the ankles, calves, circulation system, and veins, influencing blood flow and lower leg strength. Supportive Herbs for Aquarius: Horse chestnut (supports vein health), butcher's broom (improves circulation), cayenne (increases blood flow). Pisces - Feet, body fluids, lymphatic system Pisces governs the feet, body fluids, and lymphatic system, affecting foot health, hydration levels, and immune function. Supportive Herbs for Pisces: Cleavers (supports lymphatic drainage), dandelion root (mild diuretic), epsom salts (relieves foot ailments). Work with the herbs mentioned in this blog post to support the specific areas ruled by the astrological signs. These herbs can be found at Flower Power Herbs and Roots shop in New York City, where knowledgeable staff can guide you on your herbalism journey. Also, visit Flower Power at the New Moon and Full Moon as I'll be there facilitating circles.

  • Moonthly Development Spirals

    Cultivating Clarity and Purpose Unlock Personal Growth with Moonthly Development Spirals Did you know the zodiac signs are not based on constellations but instead on the twelve lunar cycles of the year. This is because the constellations have moved since the study of astrology began millennia ago. What remains is the earth's spin axis causing the seasons and in turn each of the twelve lunar cycles. I was happy to learn this information because now it makes my moonth word make even more sense. In case this is your first YesSpiral encounter, we refer to the lunar cycles as moonths. For years now I dedicated time to working with the cycles of the moon to set intentions and to keep me focused on living and actively designing the life I want to live. Dedicating time to your own YesSpiral moonthly development spiral sets you on a journey of intentional focus and self-discovery. By aligning with each moonth's themes based on specific life areas highlighted in a particular zodiac sign, you gain insights into yourself and what brings you fulfillment. Each moonth builds upon the insights and experiences of the previous one, creating a transformative spiral of personal growth and evolution. Read about how you could experience a transformative journey of personal growth and evolution. The idea is to focus on the life areas highlighted by where the New Moon is at that particular time to build upon the insights and experiences gained in each phase of the moonthly calendar year. 12 Moonth Development Spirals Throughout this 12-moonth journey, you will go on a spiral of personal development by embracing the themes and energies of each phase. Following this spiral could cultivate resilience, wisdom, and authenticity. Spring A three-month journey focused on launching passion projects, fostering financial stability and expanding social connections. Aries Moonth (March/April) The YesSpiral journey begins at the Aries Moonth, embracing new beginnings, personal brand development, and leadership. They set bold intentions to launch a passion project and assert themselves as a leader in their field. Taurus Moonth (April/May) In the Taurus Moonth, YesSpiral focuses on resources, financial security, and traditions. They establish solid financial habits, budgeting effectively to support their goals, and honor their values by prioritizing sustainability and stability. Gemini Moonth (May/June) During the Gemini Moonth, YesSpiral harnesses the energy of social media, acquaintances, and short trips. They expand their network, engaging with like-minded individuals on and offline, and go on spontaneous weekend getaways to spark creativity and inspiration. Summer A three-month journey focused on creating a sanctuary space, expressing creativity and joy, and establishing healthy routines for sustainable well-being. Cancer Moonth (June/July) In the Cancer Moonth, YesSpiral nurtures their home, security, and gut instincts. They create a sanctuary space for themselves, prioritizing self-care rituals, and tapping into their intuition for guidance on important decisions. Leo Moonth (July/August) The Leo Moonth inspires YesSpiral to express creativity, self-promotion, and play. They showcase their talents confidently, launching a marketing campaign to promote their brand and infuse their daily life with joy and spontaneity. Virgo Moonth (August/September) During the Virgo Moonth, YesSpiral focuses on discipline, routines, and health. They establish a structured daily routine, incorporating healthy habits such as exercise and meal planning to support their overall well-being. Autumn A three-month journey focused on cultivating harmony in relationships, delving into personal finances and emotional well-being, and embracing adventure and self-discovery. Libra Moonth (September/October) In the Libra Moonth, YesSpiral cultivates harmony in relationships, seeking mutually beneficial partnerships and relationships. They collaborate on joint ventures and negotiate terms that honor both parties' needs. Scorpio Moonth (October/November) The Scorpio Moonth prompts YesSpiral to delve deep into their finances, mental health, and emotional control. They attend to financial challenges and obligations. They seek support to address underlying emotional issues and cultivate resilience. Sagittarius Moonth (November/December) During the Sagittarius Moonth, YesSpiral embraces adventure, freedom, and education. They go on a transformative solo journey, exploring new cultures and perspectives. They also enroll in a course to expand their skill set. Winter A three-month journey focused on career advancement, meaningful connections, and spiritual growth. Capricorn Moonth (December/January) In the Capricorn Moonth, YesSpiral focuses on career advancement, authority, and reputation. They take on a leadership role within their organization, demonstrating competence and integrity and earning recognition for their contributions. Aquarius Moonth (January/February) During the Aquarius Moonth, YesSpiral channels their hopes and wishes into meaningful friendships and networking opportunities. They join a community organization and connect with like-minded individuals. They also contribute to social causes they care about. Pisces Moonth (February/March) In the Pisces Moonth, YesSpiral reflects on their journey of the past year, integrating the lessons learned and deepening their spiritual practice. They express gratitude for their growth and commit to continuing their personal development journey with compassion and devotion. Keep in mind that the YesSpiral practice isn't just a one-time thing; it's an ongoing commitment to living intentionally. Through this cyclical spiral journey, you cultivate resilience, wisdom, and authenticity to move through life's twists and turns with clarity and purpose. Take the leap and join us on this spiral journey. Subscribe to the YesSpiral Moonth list to receive exclusive insights, tips, and resources tailored to support you on your moonthly adventure. Additionally, don't miss the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals by attending our Moonthly Circles, where you can engage in meaningful discussions, share experiences, and cultivate a sense of community as you navigate your own path of growth and evolution. It's time to embrace the magic of the moonths and step into a future filled with possibility and purpose. Join us today and let's journey together towards a brighter tomorrow.

  • Cancer Waxing Moon

    The moon is waxing in first quarter phase in Cancer. This is when the moon is between new and full. The time of the waxing moon is a good time to review and nurture your intentions set at the new moon. Look back at your Aries inspired intentions and choose one or two to focus on. Perhaps convert them into goals. Notice what is growing in your life. What in your life (person, place, or thing) will benefit from your attention. Aries Moonth Reminder that we are still under the Aries moonth cycle in which we leave winter behind and jump into SPRING! Aries asks us to develop our personal brand and leadership skills. Use this time to focus on developing your personal brand and honing your leadership skills. Set intentions for the Aries qualities you want to embody, and take action to establish yourself as the leader of your life. Cancer Waxing Moon Now at the second phase of the Aries Moonth - the Cancer waxing moon you are invited to nourish your gut instincts and financial security. Trust your intuition when making decisions, and take steps to strengthen your financial foundation. Cancer Cancer is an Water sign associated with cups in tarot which corresponds with emotions, dreams, imagination, and intuition. Cancer is also Cardinal sign which means it has the capacity to get things started. Cancer takes a leadership role in the areas of home and family. Cancer has a high emotional intelligence, and is empathetic and sensitive. Cancers trust their gut instincts. The archetypes of Cancer are the mother, the healer, the caregiver. When Cancer is on a downward spiral the energy is insecure, fearful, and defensive. What is Tarot Card Associated with Cancer? The tarot card associated with Cancer is The Chariot. It symbolizes an intuitive and resourceful leader. The Chariot goes on a practical quest to protect their personal business and home. Cancer Moon Transit When the moon is in Cancer the mood is tender and guarded. We are drawn to connect with our gentle side and process our emotional inventory. Be warm and considerate. Respect other people's boundaries. Let your boss know you are doing your share of the work. Nurture and reassure friends, family, and co-workers. Feel free to pour out positive feedback for good work. Make your home comfortable and safe. Listen to your gut instincts. Nourish yourself. Take long hot baths. Cancer Waxing Moon Tarot or Oracle Spread What begins to grow as the moon waxes in Cancer? (use card 2 from the Aries New Moon spread) What in your life needs empathy in order to reach a resolution? What do you need to get started on now? What is your gut telling you to do? How can you be more comfortable and safe? I would love to see your tarot spread. Share it on Instagram with the hashtag #moonthlyspread

  • Aries New Moon - Embrace Leadership, New Beginnings, and Own your Personal Brand

    The Moon starts a new cycle in Aries on April 8th 2024. The focus areas are New Beginnings, Personal Brand, and Leadership. The time of the new moon is when the Sun and Moon meet at the same sign and ask us to take initiating actions such as planting seeds of intention. As the moon waxes (grows) so will your intention. Each NEW MOON offers an opportunity to take charge of our lives by tapping into the potent power in the cosmos to solidify our intentions, goals, and wishes in reality. Aries Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and begins the astrological new year with its fresh, bold and assertive energy. Aries embodies qualities of leadership, independence, and courage. Aries is ruled by the element of fire. The type of fire that ignites our personal will, creativity, and optimism. Aries is driven by a strong sense of self and a desire for independence. They take assertive action towards their goals and aspirations. Aries has a sense of urgency—an urgency to focus, to get started on things, and to set boundaries. The influence of Aries compels you to seize the moment, to take risks, and to embrace challenges head-on. When working with Aries energy be assertive and headstrong. Break free from self imposed constraints and take the first step towards a new path in life with courage and determination. Aries Moon Mood When the moon is in Aries the mood is energized, direct, independent and rebellious. It may influence us to be spontaneous and enthusiastic. Consider working in short intense bursts rather than long periods of concentration. Launch a project or initiate an action on your to do list.  Express independent and authentic thoughts and ideas. Be clear and to the point. Cut to the chase. Clear the air. Demolish narratives and structures that hinder your progress. Set healthy boundaries.  Prepare space for a garden in your back/front yard or window sill. What are the Aries Tarot Cards? Aries The Emperor Aries the leader of the zodiac, personified by the Emperor in tarot. The emperor is fearless, confident, courageous, and a visionary leader. He rules with logic and reason making him willful, stubborn, and inflexible. Aries marks the first month of spring and the first sign of the astrological year. It rules the first astrological house concerned with our personality, physical appearance, and individuality. Mars The Tower Mars is the warrior planet of assertiveness and self-dense. It is associated with confidence and power. It symbolizes stamina and strength. The Tower is about intensity, potency, and drive. In a tarot reading the Tower symbolizes dramatic change, destruction, release, enlightenment, and inspiration. Cardinal Fire The Queen of Wands All the Queens in tarot embody cardinal's initiating energy. Queens also combine water energy (emotional & imaginative) with the energy of their suit: Fire (creativity & actions). The Queen of Wands is creative and passionate. She initiates change in bold and brave ways. She takes direct and assertive action. Aries Cardinal Fire Tarot Cards Two of Wands - Lord of Dominion - Choice of Initiative Three of Wands - Lord of Established Strength - Embracing expansion Four of Wands - Lord of Perfected Work - Harmonious celebration Aries Focus Areas Use the list below to set your Pisces influenced intentions, goals, and wishes. However, feel free to set intentions around whatever you wish. It is best to keep your list to 10 or less. New Beginnings: Initiative, First Step, Action Prioritizing Self: Survival, Instincts, Assertiveness Authenticity: Honesty, Impulsiveness, Integrity Self Discovery: Taking Risks, Competition, Curiosity Independence: Self-Direction, Self-Reliance, Self-Sufficiency Warrior Nature: Courage, Leadership, Strength, Boldness Self Absorption: Selfishness, Vanity, Anger, Impatience Aries New Moon Cycle The Aries Moonth cycle begins with  decisive and enthusiastic cardinal energy, transitioning to consistent and determined energy at the Scorpio full moon. Aries New Moon The Aries new moon cycle leaves winter behind to start SPRING! Aries asks us to develop our personal brand and leadership skills. Use this time to focus on developing your personal brand and honing your leadership skills. Set intentions for the Aries qualities you want to embody, and take action to establish yourself as the leader of your life. Cancer Waxing Moon At the Cancer waxing moon you are invited to nourish your gut instincts and financial security. Trust your intuition when making decisions, and take steps to strengthen your financial foundation. Scorpio Full Moon The Scorpio full moon invites you to celebrate commitments and honor financial obligations. Take stock of your achievements and recognize the progress you've made towards your goals. Aquarius Waning Moon The Aquarius waning moon asks you release resistance deepening friendships and building networks. Reach out to old friends and attend networking events. Spiral Taurus New Moon The next new moon in Taurus turns your focus on to developing your resources, finances, and traditions. Set intentions for financial growth and abundance, and establish rituals or practices that support your long-term goals. Aries New Moon Tarot Spread Pisces uses the wisdom gained from traveling through the previous 11 zodiac signs to imagine a new future. What is the intentional seed of the Aries Moonth? What do you nurture to grow at the Cancer waxing moon? What do you celebrate/forgive at the Scorpio full moon? What do you release at the Aquarius waning moon? What is the seed of the upcoming moonth in Taurus? (Use this card for your Taurus New Moon Tarot Spread). Pro Tip: Take a picture of your spread and notes to keep on your phone for quick reference throughout the moonth. I like to keep mine on my lock screen. Share your spread on instagram with the hashtag #moonthlyspread so I can see it :) Even better if you start a journal to keep your spiral new moon notes in one place. Use a regular notebook or journal along with the YesSpiral Blog and Newsletter as a guide. Or get yourself a copy of the YesSpiral New Moon Intention Journal - availabe on Amazon. The New Moon Intention Journal is designed to inspire you to set intentions, open your eyes to your blindspots, and stay focused on what you wish to cultivate in your life.

  • Leo Waning Moon

    The moon stands in the center of the light of the full moon and dark of the new moon. The Leo waning moon asks us to pause, reflect, assess, and release resistance to being enthusiastic and socializing with others. It is a difficult time to focus on enthusiasm and socializing. In a world filled with turmoil and unrest, we can find comfort by being around friends and family. What does enthusiasm mean to you? What about Leo? Leo is the lion, the ruler of love and the heart. They are enthusiastic, self-assured, and creative leaders. They are generous and full of vitality and inspiration. Leo has a need to express themselves and be appreciated by others. Ruled by the Sun, Leo’s get noticed, they radiate dignity and confidence. The Leo mood is open-hearted, romantic, and playful. The archetypes of Leo are the Performer, the Child, and the Clown. When Leo is on a downward spiral the energy is dictatorial, self-centered, and arrogant. The tarot card associated with Leo is Strength. Strength symbolizes courage, self-discipline, and determination. Leo is Fixed Fire - AKA King of Swords The Leo Mood When the moon is in Leo, the mood is open-hearted, generous, and romantic. It can also be self-centered. You may want to schedule a presentation. Tell a story. Promote yourself or your endeavors. Help others feel special and appreciated. Practice gratitude. Socialize. Do things to take advantage of this extroverted time. Make sure to add flair, creativity, and courage. Leo Waning Moon The Leo waning moon invites you to release resistance being enthusiastic and socializing with others. The tools of the time are personal will, creativity, and endurance. Reflect and Assess Take a look at your intentions and notes from the Libra new moon and consider what is asking to be released. What can you cut away to make room space for your Libra intentions to manifest. Also, what can you release to make room to set your Scorpio intentions next week? Leo Waning Moon Tarot Spread Take out your tarot cards from the Libra New Moon Tarot Spread, find your Leo Waning Moon (card 4) and place it in position number one. What do you let go of as the moon wanes in Leo? (Use card 4 from the Leo New Moon Tarot Spread or any card if you didn't participate) How can you release resistance to being enthusiastic about the future? What makes you feel self-assured? In what way are you creative? How can socializing help your relationships? Libra Moonth Cycle Review This Libra Moonth, the new and waxing moons are both in cardinal signs inviting us to take initiative. The energy will nudge us to develop our relationships and partnerships for our personal development and growth. The waxing moon energy will have us focused on our principles and reputation. We need those when we are developing strong relationships. The full, waning, and next new moon are all in fixed signs. This will give us the persistence necessary to bring our intentions to fruition. Libra New Moon - The Libra new moon invites you to develop relationships and partnerships. The tools of the time are communication and intellect. Capricorn Waxing Moon – The Capricorn waxing moon invites you to nourish your principals and reputation. The tools of the time are values and practicality. Taurus Full Moon - The Taurus full moon invites you to celebrate your consistency and resources. The tools of the time are patience and stability. Leo Waning Moon - The Leo waning moon invites you to release resistance to enthusiasm and socializing. The tools of the time are action and personal will. Scorpio Next New Moon - The Scorpio next new moon invites you to develop consistency and purpose. The tools of the time are healing and spirituality. Next Up is the Scorpio New Moon on 11/13/23 New Moon Intention Setting Workshop on Monday 11/13/23 In person at NYC's Flower Power Be in community with others Learn about the Scorpio attributes. Set intentions centered around purpose, consistency, and transformation Tarot spread to keep you centered and focused through out the moonth.

  • Taurus Full Moon

    The Full Moon is the climax of the new moon cycle. The moon is at its brightest and shines light on the parts we keep hidden. The Taurus full moon invites you to celebrate your consistency, resourcefulness, and stability. The tools of the time are patience and stability. What about Taurus? Taurus is grounded and harvests the fruits of its labor. The energy is practical, steady, and consistent. Taurus approaches situations with the tools of earth: practicality, patience, and stability. The symbol for Taurus is the Bull. The Bull loves the pleasure of a comfortable environment and is willing to put in the work to get a return on their investment of time and effort. The Taurus glyph represents the bull’s head and horns. Taurus inspires a collective need to be productive, resourceful, and stable. When Taurus is on a downward spiral the energy is materialistic, stubborn, and overcautious. The Moon in Taurus The mood is stubborn, creative, and sensual. We want to cultivate our earthly resources, including our values and money. We slow down and become more aware. Get yourself comfortable, secure, and relaxed. Take steps to protect and grow our resources. Follow through on projects recently started. Get in a groove at work and keep the rhythm steady. Deal with circumstances that require patience and determination. Negotiate financial transactions while being aware of our financial worth. Taurus is Fixed Earth aka the King of Pentacles - Be consistent when building up your resources. Taurus Full Moon The Taurus full moon invites you to celebrate your consistency to buildup resources. This helps you to feel feel supported and on a strong foundation. The tools of the time are patience and stability. Journal Question: Is where you are at the moment a cause for celebration or forgiveness? We began the month under the Libra New Moon Umbrella. This moon phase emphasized building relationships and partnerships. The Capricorn waxing moon phase brought our attention to our principals and reputation. During the Taurus full moon, let's celebrate our consistency and resourcefulness. It's a time to build a strong foundation for our relationships. What role does consistency play in your life? I both yearn for and detest consistency. I yearn for it when it comes to my income, food on the table, and relationships. I detest it when it comes to work and day-to-day activities that feel stifling and boring. When I'm building something, I can stay consistent. But once I reach the top, I want to start something new. To keep my energy fresh, I consistently try new things every month, quarter, or year. "Consistency is the fruit of the tree of success. The more you do something effectively and with a goal in mind, the better you will get at it and the more you will feel fulfilled." - Dan O’Brien Quote from: 48 Consistency Quotes to Inspire you to Reach Your Goals Review Your Taurus New Moon Intentions The Taurus New Moon was on May 19th 2023 Did you set intentions at the Taurus new moon back in May 2023? If you didn't, think about what you were up to in the middle of May. If you can't remember (that was six months ago!) go into your calendar or do a search on your phone to see the pictures you took around that time to jog your memory. If you did, go to your notes and review your intentions, goals, or wishes. Have any of them come to fruition? Yes? Great! You are focused on what you want. No? do you still want to work on that? Is it aligned with what you want now? If not, let it go, throw it into the fire. Walking away from things is totally okay. It is one way of getting clear about what we want in our lives. Take a moment to breathe in some fresh energy to your power center. Call on Taurus' stable and supportive energy. If it feels good, continue working on it. If you feel discomfort then go back and re-work your intention or scrap it. Taurus Full Moon Spread Pick out card number 3 from your Libra New Moon spread and place it in the center as card number one. Shuffle your deck and ask... What do you celebrate/forgive at the Taurus full moon? (Use card 3 from the new moon spread? How can you be more consistent? In what ways are you resourceful? What makes you feel supported? What can you work on to bring in stability? Libra Moonth Cycle Review This Libra Moonth, the new and waxing moons are both in cardinal signs inviting us to take initiative. The energy will nudge us to develop our relationships and partnerships for our personal development and growth. The waxing moon energy will have us focused on our principles and reputation. We need those when we are developing strong relationships. The full, waning, and next new moon are all in fixed signs. This will give us the persistence necessary to bring our intentions to fruition. Libra New Moon - The Libra new moon invites you to develop relationships and partnerships. The tools of the time are communication and intellect. Capricorn Waxing Moon – The Capricorn waxing moon invites you to nourish your principals and reputation. The tools of the time are values and practicality. Taurus Full Moon - The Taurus full moon invites you to celebrate your consistency and resources. The tools of the time are patience and stability. Leo Waning Moon - The Leo waning moon invites you to release resistance to enthusiasm and socializing. The tools of the time are action and personal will. Scorpio Next New Moon - The Scorpio next new moon invites you to develop consistency and purpose. The tools of the time are healing and spirituality. Full Moons are for celebration, release, and forgiveness. Taurus Full Moon Circle at Flower Power, NYC Saturday, October 28th @ 7:30 pm WHAT TO EXPECT intimate gathering reflection ritual sharing connection tarot and oracle cards FUN

  • Capricorn Waxing Moon

    The first quarter moon is waxing (growing) in Capricorn. It is time to nourish principals and reputation. The tools of the time are values and practicality. At the first quarter moon phase, the moon is in between new and full. This happens approximately one week after the new moon phase and one week before the full moon. The first quarter waxing moon is a time of growth. Whatever intentional seeds you planted at the new moon have now taken root and are beginning to shoot up. Convert Intentions into Goals Exercise The waxing moon phase is a good time to review the intentions set at the new moon. Identify any intentions that contain vague or general words/ideas. Circle those words and come up with specific words or phrases to describe what you want to bring into your life. Then review your revised intention list and determine which one(s) of your intentions you want to nourish into a goal. Which of your intentions will you nourish into a goal? We started this current new moon cycle in Libra with the focus on relationships and partnerships. Now that the moon is waxing in Capricorn the focus is shifting into principals and reputation. When I think about developing relationships I find it is important to consider their reputation and what they stand for. Which in turn leads me to consider my own principles and reputation and how I move through life. Capricorn Capricorn is the sign of career, drive, and recognition. When Capricorn is around there is a need for structure and organization. There is a desire for achievement and discipline with an air of maturity. Capricorn makes goals and strives to achieve them. Capricorn approaches situations with the tools of Earth: practicality and tradition. The Capricorn symbol is the mountain goat. It has a natural determination to climb to the top. Capricorn takes a leadership role on getting the work done while leading by example. Capricorn creates order with single-minded determination. Capricorn is all about AMBITION. The tarot card associated with Capricorn is The Devil. Capricorn Moon When the moon is in Capricorn the mood is competent and focused. Approach life in a professional and methodical way to support your leadership capabilities. Envision your goals becoming a reality. Design and put in place a framework to make goals happen. Consider how leadership shows up in your life. Take steps to become more productive. Clean out and organize your workspace. Make a schedule. Draft a list of short-term goals to achieve long term goals. Check off and celebrate any and all progress. Cardinal Earth - The Queen of Pentacles - Nourish principals and reputation The Queen of Pentacles represents cardinal earth and embodies the material world and its possibilities. She can easily cultivate a range of resources for herself and those around her. She believes in the values and structures of tradition. The Queen of Pentacles symbolizes generosity, security, practical talents, and independence. Capricorn Waxing Moon The Libra Moonth is all about how we develop our relationships and partnerships. The waxing moon is in Capricorn inviting us to nourish our principals and reputation. Libra and Capricorn are both cardinal signs influencing us to take initiative. It is a time to be practical while taking our values into consideration as we move through life. Think of the Queen of Pentacles when you have a decision to make that may impact your reputation. Capricorn Waxing Moon Tarot or Oracle Spread Capricorn Waxing Moon - October 21st - 28th 2023 The Capricorn waxing moon invites you to nourish your principals and reputation. The tools of the time are inspiration and passion. What do you nurture to grow at the Capricorn waxing moon? (Use card 2 from New Moon Spread) How can you nourish your principals? What can you take initiative on? What are your values? In what ways are you leading by example? #moonthlyspread I would love to see your tarot spread. Share it on Instagram with the hashtag above Libra Moonth Cycle Review This Libra Moonth, the new and waxing moons are both in cardinal signs inviting us to take initative. The energy will nudge us to develop our relationships and partnerships for our personal development and growth. The waxing moon energy will have us focused on our principles and reputation. We need those when we are developing strong relationships. The full, waning, and next new moon are all in fixed signs. This will give us the persistence necessary to bring our intentions to fruition. Libra New Moon - The Libra new moon invites you to develop relationships and partnerships. The tools of the time are communication and intellect. Capricorn Waxing Moon – The Capricorn waxing moon invites you to nourish your principals and reputation. The tools of the time are values and practicality. Taurus Full Moon - The Taurus full moon invites you to celebrate your consistency and resources. The tools of the time are patience and stability. Leo Waning Moon - The Leo waning moon invites you to release resistance to enthusiasm and socializing. The tools of the time are action and personal will. Scorpio Next New Moon - The Scorpio next new moon invites you to develop consistency and purpose. The tools of the time are healing and spirituality. Taurus Full Moon Circle Saturday, October 28th at 7:30 pm - 406 East 9th St - East Village, NYC WHAT TO EXPECT Intimate gathering Reflection Ritual Sharing Connection Insights Tarot and oracle cards FUN

  • Cancer Waning Moon

    The moon stands in the center of the light of the full moon and dark of the new moon. The Cancer waning moon asks us to pause, reflect, assess. It is a good time to release resistance to dedication and practicality. When we started the moonth in Virgo we focused on developing routines and healthy habits. Now that the Virgo moonth is coming to end in a week, ask yourself how can you sustain your routines and healthy habits? How can you be more dedicated and practical? What about Cancer? Cancer is known to take a leadership role in the areas of home, family, emotional awareness, and nourishment. The Cancer influence is sympathetic and emotional. Cancers trust their gut instincts. Cancer has a need to give and receive emotional warmth and support. The archetypes of Cancer are the mother, the healer, the caregiver. When Cancer is on a downward spiral the energy is insecure, fearful, and defensive. The tarot card associated with Cancer is The Chariot. It symbolizes an intuitive and resourceful leader. The Chariot goes on a practical quest to protect their personal business and home. Cancer is Cardinal Water - AKA Queen of Cups The Cancer Mood When the moon is in Cancer the mood is tender and guarded. We are drawn to connect with our gentle side and process our emotional inventory. Be warm and considerate. Respect other people's boundaries. Let your boss know you are doing your share of the work. Nurture and reassure friends, family, and co-workers. Feel free to pour out positive feedback for good work. Make your home comfortable and safe. Listen to your gut instincts. Nourish yourself. Take long hot baths. Cancer Waning Moon The Cancer waning moon invites you to release resistance to dedication and practicality. The tools of the time are imagination and spirituality. Release resistance to dedication and practicality Reflect and Assess Take a look at your intentions and notes from the Virgo new moon and consider what is asking to be released. What can you cut away to make room space for your Virgo intentions to manifest. Also, what can you release to make room to set your Libra intentions next week? Cancer Waning Moon Tarot Spread Take out your tarot cards from the Virgo New Moon Tarot Spread, find your Cancer Waning Moon (card 4) and place it in position number one. Or just shuffle your deck and ask: What do you let go of as the moon wanes in Cancer? (Use card 4 from the Virgo New Moon Tarot Spread or any card if you didn't participate) What are you dedicated to? In what ways can you be more practical? What routine will help you reach a goal? How can you sustain your routines and healthy habits? Virgo Moonth Cycle Review This year the Virgo new moon starts off in adaptable and flexible mutable energy. It is an ideal time to make changes to develop healthy routines and habits. Take time to determine which aspects of your life need change. The waxing moon is also in a mutable sign influencing us to be resourceful. It gives us the energy to integrate lessons learned when making choices for the future. The full, waning, and next new moons are all in initiating and ambitious cardinal energy. The cardinal influence will move us to start new projects. Or, to go back and pick up abandoned projects started in the past. Virgo New Moon - The Virgo new moon invites you to develop routines and healthy habits. The tools of the time are practicality and stability. Sagittarius Waxing Moon – The Sagittarius waxing moon invites you to nourish your faith and adventure. The tools of the time are inspiration and passion. Aries Full Moon - The Aries full moon invites you to celebrate your confidence and courage. The tools of the time are personal will and creativity. Cancer Waning Moon - The Cancer waning moon invites you to release resistance to dedication and practicality. The tools of the time are imagination and spirituality. Libra Next New Moon - The Libra next new moon invites you to develop relationships and partnerships. The tools of the time are communication and intellect. Next Up is the Libra New Moon on 10/14/23 New Moon Intention Setting Workshop on Saturday, October 14th Learn about the Libra attributes, set intentions centered around partnerships, relationships, and bringing balance to your life. And work with tarot to keep you centered and focused through out the new moon cycle.

  • Aries Full Moon

    The Full Moon is the climax of the new moon cycle. The moon is at its brightest and shines light on the parts we keep hidden. The Aries full moon invites you to celebrate your confidence, assertiveness, and courage. It is a good time to take action on helping your endeavors come to fruition. The tools of the time are personal will and creativity. What about Aries? Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and is its leader. Aries focuses on itself and takes assertive action towards independence. Aries works with the tools of fire: personal will, identity, creativity, and optimism. The symbol for Aries is the Ram. The Aries glyph looks like the curving horns of the Ram. The Aries influence brings out a need to be independent and develop authenticity. It drives us to take courageous action towards goals and intentions. Aries inspires an urgency to focus, get started on things, and set boundaries. The Moon in Aries When the moon is in Aries the mood is energized, direct, and rebellious. It may influence us to be spontaneous and enthusiastic. Consider working in short intense bursts rather than long periods of concentration. Launch a project or initiate an action on your to do list. Demolish narratives and structures that hinder your progress. Aries is Cardinal Fire aka the Queen of Wands - Take action and direct your life Aries Full Moon The Aries full moon invites you to celebrate your confidence, assertiveness, and courage. It is a good time to take action on helping your endeavors come to fruition. The tools of the time are personal will and creativity. Journal Question: Is where you are at the moment a cause for celebration or forgiveness? We are under the Virgo New Moon Umbrella which is a potent time to develop routines, responsibility, and healthy habits to make life easier. The Sagittarius waxing moon brought our attention to faith and adventure. The Aries full moon is pushing us to celebrate confidence and assertiveness as we direct our lives. What role does assertiveness play in your life? For me, assertiveness is about confidently moving through life with strong boundaries in place. I decide what I want and need and I decide "To be passive is to let others decide for you. To be aggressive is to decide for others. To be assertive is to decide for yourself. And to trust that there is enough, that you are enough." ― Edith Eva Eger Quote from: - 11 Inspiring Quotes About the Remarkable Power of Being Assertive The Aries full moon invites you to celebrate your confidence, assertiveness, and courage. The tools of the time are personal will and creativity. Review Your Aries New Moon Intentions The Aries New Moon was on March 21st 2023 Did you set intentions at the Aries new moon back in March 2023? If you didn't, think about what you were up to in the middle of March. If you can't remember (that was six months ago!) go into your calendar or do a search on your phone to see the pictures you took around that time to jog your memory. If you did, go to your notes and review your intentions, goals, or wishes. Have any of them come to fruition? Yes? Great! You are focused on what you want. No? do you still want to work on that? Is it aligned with what you want now? If not, let it go, throw it into the fire. Walking away from things is totally okay. It is one way of getting clear about what we want in our lives. Take a moment to breathe in some fresh energy to your power center. Call on Aries assertive and confident energy. If it feels good, continue working on it. If you feel discomfort then go back and re-work your intention or scrap it. Aries Full Moon Spread Pick out card number 3 from your Virgo New Moon spread and place it in the center as card number one. Shuffle your deck and ask... What do you celebrate/forgive at the Aries full moon? (Use card 3 from the new moon spread? What action can you take to move to the next level? How does assertiveness fit into your life? In what ways are you confident? What makes you feel courage? Virgo Moonth Cycle Review This year the Virgo new moon starts off in adaptable and flexible mutable energy. It is an ideal time to make changes to develop healthy routines and habits. Take time to determine which aspects of your life need change. The waxing moon is also in a mutable sign influencing us to be resourceful. It gives us the energy to integrate lessons learned when making choices for the future. The full, waning, and next new moons are all in initiating and ambitious cardinal energy. The cardinal influence will move us to start new projects. Or, go back and pick up abandoned project started in the past. Virgo New Moon - The Virgo new moon invites you to develop routines and healthy habits. The tools of the time are practicality and stability. Sagittarius Waxing Moon – The Sagittarius waxing moon invites you to nourish your faith and adventure. The tools of the time are inspiration and passion. Aries Full Moon - The Aries full moon invites you to celebrate your confidence, assertiveness, and courage. The tools of the time are personal will and creativity. Cancer Waning Moon - The waning moon in Cancer invites you to release resistance to dedication and practicality. The tools of the time are imagination and spirituality. Libra Next New Moon - The Libra next new moon invites you to develop relationships and partnerships. The tools of the time are communication and intellect. Full Moons are for celebration, release, and forgiveness. Aries Full Moon Circle at Flower Power, NYC Friday, September 29th @ 7:30 pm WHAT TO EXPECT intimate gathering reflection ritual sharing connection tarot and oracle cards FUN

  • Gemini Waning Moon

    The moon stands in the center of the light of the full moon and dark of the new moon. The Gemini waning moon asks us to pause, reflect, assess, and release resistance to approaching life in an open-minded way. Be openminded What about Gemini? Gemini is known as The Twins. They are a pair bound together and destined to uncover mysteries. They focus on understanding the truth and sharing their findings with others. Gemini has a need to communicate with and learn from others. They are about connecting with like minds to build networks of understanding. When Gemini is around consider indulging your curiosity and questioning everything. Gemini takes a lighthearted approach to life. The archetypes of Gemini are the journalist, teacher, and storyteller. On a downward, Gemini is judgmental, scheming, and superficial. Gemini is Mutable Air - AKA Knight of Swords The Gemini Mood When the moon is in Gemini the mood is funny, open-minded, versatile, and restless. Its good for multitasking, it’s not great for concentrating. The energy is more in our head than our hearts. Our thoughts are flying, it’s a good time to talk, listen, laugh, sing, and write. Network, negotiate, rearrange, and juggle possibilities. Chat with friends and family to find out what everyone is doing. Read short stories. Gather information. Disseminate information in short sound bites. Promote. Use humor and diplomacy to tackle tough and heavy subjects. Keep everything a dialog, not a monolog. Gemini Waning Moon The Gemini waning moon invites you to release resistance to approaching life in an open-minded way. The tools of the time are thoughts, intellect, and intention. Reflect and Assess Take a look at your intentions and notes from the Leo new moon and consider what is asking to be released. What can you cut away to make room space for your Leo intentions to manifest. Also, what can you release to make room to set your Virgo intentions next week? Gemini Waning Moon Tarot Spread Take out your tarot cards from the Leo New Moon Tarot Spread, find your Gemini Waning Moon (card 4) and place it in position number one. What do you let go of as the moon wanes in Gemini? (Use card 4 from the Leo New Moon Tarot Spread or any card if you didn't participate) How can you release resistance to approaching life in an open minded way? What is a narrative you can release? Are you introverted or extroverted? Can you embrace the other? How can you nourish your curiosity? Leo Moonth Cycle Review This year the Leo new moon started us off in steady and persistent fixed energy. The waxing, full, waning, and next new moons are ALL in adaptable and flexible mutable signs. We are invited to determine which aspects of our lives require change. Mutable energy is resourceful and integrates lessons learned when making choices for the future. Leo New Moon - The Leo new moon invites you to develop self-assuredness and the courage to follow your instincts. The tools of the time are personal will and creativity. Sagittarius Waxing Moon – The Sagittarius waxing moon invites you to nourish your optimism and creativity. The tools of the time are inspiration and passion. Pisces Full Moon – The Pisces full moon invites you to celebrate the life you have now. Trust your intentional focus will direct you towards all the things you want. The tools of the time are spirituality and imagination. Gemini Waning Moon – The Gemini waning moon invites you to release resistance to approaching life in an open-minded way. The tools of the time are thoughts, intellect, and intention. Virgo New Moon - The Virgo next new moon invites you to develop routines, determination, and responsibility. The tools of the time practicality and stability. Next Up is the Virgo New Moon on 09/14/23 New Moon Intention Setting Workshop on Friday 09/15/23 Learn about the Virgo attributes, set intentions centered around routines, determination, and responsibility. And work with tarot to keep you centered and focused through out the new moon cycle.

  • Pisces Full Moon

    The Full Moon is the climax of the new moon cycle. The moon is at its brightest and shines light on the parts we keep hidden. The Pisces full moon invites you to celebrate the life you have now. To trust your intentional focus will direct you towards all the things you want. The tools of the time are spirituality and imagination. What about Pisces? Pisces focuses on the inner world of dreams, hopes, and fantasies. Pisces is imaginative and artistic. Pisces approaches situations with the tools of Water: emotions, intuition, and spiritualty. The Pisces symbol is the Fish. The glyph symbolizes fish swimming in the opposite directions of reality and fantasy. Pisces is charitable, compassionate, and romantic. Pisces invites in a need to commit oneself to a dream and adapt to make it happen. Pisces makes time to imagine an ideal life for itself. Pisces uses the wisdom of the previous eleven zodiac signs to bring their dreams to reality. Pisces is all about IMAGINATION. The Moon in Pisces When the moon is in Pisces the mood is sensitive, delicate, and vulnerable. It makes us aware, sometimes uncomfortably of our emotions. It is a good time to meditate and contemplate. Dream up plans for the moonth ahead. Use divination tools like the tarot, pendulum, and crystal balls, etc. Start, keep, and or update a dream journal. Make time to rest and integrate the lessons of the previous signs. Pisces is Mutable Water aka the Knight of Cups Pisces Full Moon The Pisces full moon invites you to celebrate the life you have now. To trust your intentional focus will direct you towards all the things you want. The tools of the time are spirituality and imagination. Meditate on the direction you would like your life to take. Journal Question: Is where you are at the moment a cause for celebration or forgiveness? We are under the Leo New Moon Umbrella which is all about how develop self-assuredness and courage. The Sagittarius waxing moon brought our attention to optimism and creativity. The Pisces full moon is encouraging us to have big dreams and hopes for our future. What role does imagination play in your life? For me, imagination is second nature. I can usually see what something can become in the future. The artist Michelangelo famously said "every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it." Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it. The Pisces full moon invites you to celebrate the life you have now. Trust your intentional focus will direct you towards all the things you want and need. Review Your Pisces New Moon Intentions The Pisces New Moon was on February 18th, 2023 Did you set intentions at the Pisces new moon back in February 2023? If you didn't, think about what you were up to in the middle of February. If you can't remember (that was six months ago!) go into your calendar or do a search on your phone to see the pictures you took around that time to jog your memory. If you did, go to your notes and review your intentions, goals, or wishes. Have any of them come to fruition? Yes? Great! You are focused on what you want. No? do you still want to work on that? Is it aligned with what you want now? If not, let it go, throw it into the fire. Walking away from things is totally okay. It is one way of getting clear about what we want in our lives. Take a moment to breathe in some fresh energy to your power center. Call on Pisces imaginative and spiritual energy to make an . If it feels good, continue working on it. If you feel discomfort then go back and re-work your intention or scrap it. Pisces Full Moon Spread Pick out card number 3 from your Leo New Moon spread and place it in the center as card number one. Shuffle your deck and ask... What do you celebrate/forgive at the Pisces full moon? (Use card 3 from the new moon spread? What change do you imagine for yourself? How does your spiritual practice help your life? What dream are you committed to? What role do emotions play in your life? Leo Moonth Cycle Review This year the Leo new moon starts us off in steady and persistent fixed energy. The waxing, full, waning, and next new moons are ALL in adaptable and flexible mutable signs. We are invited to determine which aspects of our lives require change. Mutable energy is resourceful and integrates lessons learned when making choices for the future. Leo New Moon - The Leo new moon invites you to develop self-assuredness and the courage to follow your instincts. The tools of the time are personal will and creativity. Sagittarius Waxing Moon – The Sagittarius waxing moon invites you to nourish your optimism and creativity. The tools of the time are inspiration and passion. Pisces Full Moon – The Pisces full moon invites you to celebrate the life you have now. Trust your intentional focus will direct you towards all the things you want. The tools of the time are spirituality and imagination. Gemini Waning Moon – The Gemini waning moon invites you to release resistance approaching life in an open-minded way. The tools of the time are thoughts, intellect, and intention. Virgo New Moon - The Virgo next new moon invites you to develop routines, determination, and responsibility. The tools of the time practicality and stability. Full Moons are for celebration, release, and forgiveness. Pisces Full Moon Circle at Flower Power, NYC Wednesday, August 30th @ 7:30 pm WHAT TO EXPECT intimate gathering reflection ritual sharing connection tarot and oracle cards FUN

  • Sagittarius Waxing Moon

    The first quarter moon is waxing (growing) in Sagittarius. It is time to nourish optimism and creativity. The tools of the time are inspiration and passion. At the first quarter moon phase, the moon is in between new and full. This happens approximately one week after the new moon phase and one week before the full moon. The first quarter waxing moon is a time of growth. Whatever intentional seeds you planted at the new moon have now taken root and are beginning to shoot up. Convert Intentions into Goals Exercise The waxing moon phase is a good time to review the intentions set at the new moon. Identify any intentions that contain vague or general words/ideas. Circle those words and come up with specific words or phrases to describe what you want to bring into your life. Then review your revised intention list and determine which one(s) of your intentions you want to nourish into a goal. Which of your intentions will you nourish into a goal? Sagittarius Sagittarius is the sign of going on a quest for truth, optimism, and connection to nature. It is about being creative, adventurous, and ethical. Sagittarius is known as the archer who shoots his arrow into the distance, optimistic for the potential of what will come from it. Sagittarius is also known as the Centaur, half-horse half-man symbolizing a free inner nature and an ethical conscience. Sagittarius inspires us to explore and expand the horizons of the mind and the world, such as our religion, faith, and ethical codes. Sagittarius Moon When the moon is in Sagittarius the mood is honest, frank, spontaneous, and optimistic. Consider breaking up your daily routine with a yoga stretch. Take the long way home. Talk to someone with a different perspective. Share a controversial topic on social media to spark conversation. Explore the joys and responsibilities of free speech, Investigate for new news sources. Make travel arrangements. Mutable Fire - The Knight of Wands - Go after inspiration. The Knight of Wands represents mutable water. The Knight of Wands embodies Sagittarius' explorer nature with wide ranging interests and a craving for spiritual pursuits. He likes to experiment and mix things up. He will go through great lengths to see the world and experience what life has to offer. Sagittarius Waxing Moon Attributes We are under the Virgo New Moon Umbrella which is all about how develop self-assuredness and courage. Leo and Sagittarius are both fire signs who use the tools of creativity, personal will, and passion. At this Sagittarius waxing moon we nourish optimism and creativity. It is a time to seek what inspires us and makes us feel motivated and mobilized. Think of the Knight of Wands when you are feeling stagnant. Remember what makes you want to get up and go. Sagittarius Waxing Moon Tarot or Oracle Spread Sagittarius Waxing Moon - September 22nd - September 29th 2023 The Sagittarius waxing moon invites you to nourish your faith and adventure. The tools of the time are inspiration and passion. What do you nurture to grow at the Sagittarius waxing moon? (Use card 2 from New Moon Spread) How can you nourish faith and adventure? What do you want to explore? What are you passionate about? How can you trust yourself more #moonthlyspread I would love to see your tarot spread. Share it on Instagram with the hashtag above Virgo Moonth Cycle Review This year the Virgo new moon starts off in adaptable and flexible mutable energy. It is an ideal time to make changes to develop healthy routines and habits. Take time to determine which aspects of your life need change. The waxing moon is also in a mutable sign influencing us to be resourceful. It gives us the energy to integrate lessons learned when making choices for the future. The full, waning, and next new moons are all in initiating and ambitious cardinal energy. The cardinal influence will move us to start new projects. Or, go back and pick up abandoned project started in the past. Leo New Moon - The Leo new moon invites you to develop self-assuredness and the courage to follow your instincts. The tools of the time are personal will and creativity. Virgo New Moon - The Virgo new moon invites you to develop routines and healthy habits. The tools of the time are practicality and stability. Sagittarius Waxing Moon – The Sagittarius waxing moon invites you to nourish your faith and adventure. The tools of the time are inspiration and passion. Aries Full Moon - The Aries full moon invites you to celebrate your confidence and courage. The tools of the time are personal will and creativity. Cancer Waning Moon - The waning moon in Cancer invites you to release resistance to dedication and practicality. The tools of the time are imagination and spirituality. Libra Next New Moon - The Libra next new moon invites you to develop relationships and partnerships. The tools of the time are communication and intellect. Aries Full Moon Circle Friday, September 29th at 7:30 pm - 406 East 9th St - East Village, NYC WHAT TO EXPECT Intimate gathering Reflection Ritual Sharing Connection Insights Tarot and oracle cards FUN

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