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  • Virgo Full Moon

    The moon is full in the sign of Virgo The Full Moon is the climax of the moonthly cycle. The moon is at its brightest and shines light on the deepest parts of ourselves we can't see or choose to suppress. Use this time to look around and celebrate your accomplishments and resources. Yes, you have many accomplishments and resources! The Virgo moon focuses our attention so we may analyze the situation and problem solve. Virgo is an earth sign meaning it is analytical, practical, and efficient. Virgo's energy is also mutable which means it is adaptable and up for change. Virgo is a determined and practical sign. It is about work, duty, responsibility, and routines. In tarot, Virgo is represented by The Hermit. It symbolizes leadership by example, introspection, and practicality. It is about a desire to teach and help people. Virgo Moon Vibes When the moon is in Virgo the mood is analytical, critical, and organized. Schedule time to work out and eat well. Assess the details, sort what to keep and what to discard. Deal with paperwork, mechanics, delicate crafts, or anything where precision is key. Virgo Full Moon The Virgo full moon invites you to celebrate your routines, responsibility, and productivity. Consider the things you do on autopilot. There are many things that get done and don't even feel like chores. They help you to stay clean, organized, and in a meditative state. For me, it's brushing my teeth, making my bed, taking a shower. What are yours? Review Intentions Did you set intentions on the Virgo new moon back in September? If you did, go to your notes and review your intentions, goals, wishes. Have any of them come to fruition? Yes? Great! You are focused on what you want. No? do you still want to work on that? Is it aligned with what you want now? If not, let it go, throw it into the fire. If yes, tap into the Pisces energy (water: feelings and emotions) and meditate so you may determine how you feel about the situation. You can also analyze any emotions that come up to determine which way to go. Revisit your New Moon Tarot Spread Moonthly Spread revisited Revisit your Aquarius New Moon Spread and review the intentions you made during the new moon. For prompt 1, use card number 3 from Aquarius new moon spread (for the rest of the spread shuffle your deck ) What do you celebrate or forgive as the moon becomes full in Virgo? Where can you focus your attention for desirable results? How have you adapted and changed for the better? What is no longer aligned with what you want now? What can you cut away so there is more room for growth? Full Moon Ritual Charge your Spiritual Tools The light of the Full Moon amplifies everything with the energy of manifestation. Take out your crystals, rosaries, tarot, and oracle decks (etc) and cleanse them with the scared smoke of sage, cedar, copal or whatever is native to where you live. The important thing is cleanse with the intention of clearing and neutralizing energies from the tools. To charge your spiritual tools take them outside where they can get the energy of the moon (a window sill will also do). For each spiritual tool state your intention and add something like "I invite the light and manifestation power of this Full Moon to bless and amplify this spiritual tool so it may serve its highest good. Blessed be." In the morning offer a prayer of gratitude to the moon and your spiritual tools for its potent new energies. Next up is the Waning Moon in Sagittarius on March 3rd, 2024. Updated 02/2024 Updated 03/2023

  • Tarot, New Moon & Astrology Spiral

    How does one get into the occult, mystical, and spiritual. I don't know about you but for me I grew up in a semi practicing Catholic household. We went to church on special occasions but Religion and Spirituality was never front and center. Occasionally I'd hear that so and so was a bruja and that someone was a victim of brujeria but what that meant was never discussed. I was left to my own imagination to figure out what that meant. The words bruja and brujeria had a negative connotation and I instinctively knew to referred to as a bruja or to be a victim of brujeria was not good. A bruja is a witch and brujeria is witchcraft. With that said, I was still called and drawn to the Tarot, which people in my family associate with brujeria. In spite of what anyone thought or would say I went to barnes and noble and bought myself a Rider Waite Smith tarot deck. I had the tarot deck for over a year before I told anyone about it. Making Tarot a Daily Practice I pulled tarot cards every day. I journaled about what came up. I read books on Tarot and constantly googled tarot terms. Eventually I started attending classes, conferences, and retreats on Tarot. The tarot provided me with clarity, and direction I wasn't getting anywhere else. One thing to note is that the tarot provides insight not answers. I know there is a an idea that tarot is about fortune telling or looking into the future but I have come to know it as a mirror into the present moment. "The insight I was getting from the tarot cards was so on point I could not help but to go deeper in my studies and to share the insights with others." Introduction to the Moon While on a tarot retreat a companion pulled me aside to tell me about her New Moon practice using tarot. She compelled me to get a WeMoon and to start right away. She was so convincing that I did! We all know the moon. We see her in the sky... sometimes. She is the closest celestial body to our home, Earth. We know that when the moon is full tides rise. People have used to cycles of the moon to grow crops. There is a general awareness that a woman's monthly cycle is referred to as her moon cycle. There are stories about people being compelled to howl at the moon (hahaha at least in movies). However, most people do not know that the moon is pretty much a calendar, some religions depend on the moon to determine the dates of their holidays. Think Easter, Eid, and Lunar New Year. How many phases does the moon have? The moon has eight phases. New Moon Waxing Crescent First Quarter Waxing Waxing Gibbous Full Moon Waning Gibbous Last Quarter Waning Waning Crescent (Dark Moon) Every month the moon starts a new cycle and grows (waxes) until it is full. Then the moon diminishes (wanes) until it goes completely dark and starts a new cycle. This whole cycle happens in 29.5 days. Every new moon (which I like to call Moonth because the whole cycle pretty much a month long) starts a cycle in a different astrological sign (there are 12). Each of the signs has its own attributes, energy, and rulerships. Tying in Astrology After working with tarot and the moon for a couple of years I added in astrology. It came naturally. The WeMoon Calendar introduced me to the fact that each new moon cycle begins in a different zodiac sign each month. My curiosity began my astrology studies. Soon after, because life is a wonderful spiral of synchronicity, I was gifted the book Tarot for Magical Times which connects Tarot and Astrology. It goes over the 12 zodiac signs and how each of the 78 tarot cards are connected to astrology. It is a method created by the golden dawn. Weaving the threads Through experiential practice I found a way to weave together the energies of the New Moon, Astrology, and Tarot in a cohesive framework. The YesSpiral framework helps me to attract abundance, feel clarity, and confidence as I design my ever evolving life. Years later I'm still working on authentically owning my devotion to the Moon, Astrology (study of influence of stars, planets, on terrestrial life) which people associate with brujeria. These days I am making it a point to reclaim the words bruja and brujeria. I own them and consider it a practice so empowering that institutions have, for centuries waged mis and dis information campaigns against it. The practice has inspired creativity, drive, and a deep connection to myself that I am now happily sharing with others via Moonthly Blog posts, Circles, Tarot Readings, and monthly workbooks. I am grateful for the call to the occult, mystical, and spiritual even though I've had to face some adversity but the more I stand up for my beliefs the stronger my resolve becomes.

  • Waxing Moon in Gemini

    The moon is waxing in first quarter phase in Gemini. This is when the moon is between new and full. The time of the waxing moon is a good time to review and nurture your intentions set at the new moon. Look back at your Pisces inspired intentions and choose one or two to focus on. Perhaps convert them into goals. Notice what is growing in your life. What in your life (person, place, or thing) will benefit from your attention. Gemini Moon When the moon is in Gemini the mood is open minded, and versatile. It is good for multitasking as opposed to concentrating for long periods. Take advantage of the extroverted energy and check in with clients and friends. Startup conversations with strangers to begin new friendships or romances. Get on social media to share or engage with things you feel passionately about. Waxing Moon in Gemini Gemini is an Air sign associated with swords in tarot which corresponds with mental realms of thought, reason, and communication. Gemini is also a Mutable sign which means it has the capacity to be flexible and adaptive. Gemini is the communicative and inquisitive sign about networking with others. In tarot, Gemini is represented by The Lovers. It symbolizes choice, interdependence, and partnership. The Lovers nourish curiosity and a need to keep busy. Pisces and Gemini invite you to nourish your communication skills with acquaintances. Think about the times where you were pleased and having a great time. How can you bring more of that energy into your life. Gemini Waxing Moon Tarot or Oracle Spread What begins to grow as the moon waxes in Gemini? (use card #2 from the New Moon in Pisces spread) What in your life needs logic in order to reach a resolution? How can you be more flexible and adaptable? What in your life is asking you to say "yes"? What in your life do you have complete faith in? I would love to see your tarot spread. Share it on Instagram with the hashtag #moonthlyspread updated 03/16/2024 updated 02/26/2023

  • SMART Goals: Design the Life You Want

    “A dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true.” - Greg Reid I love the idea of having a physical representation of my ideals, intentions, and goals in the form of a vision board and as I mentioned last month manifestation requires more than just seeing pretty pictures. It requires a strategy to make it happen. Which brings me to one of my favorite things in the world, the Tarot! I use it for all kinds of things and setting SMART goals is no exception. I looked through the deck to see which Major Arcana cards revealed themselves as advocates of goal manifestation. Here is what I came up with. Focus your intent like the Magician. He knows he has the power to manifest anything he sets his sights upon by focusing his intentions and desire into it. His tools are creativity (fire/wands), practicality (earth/pentacles), intellect (air/swords), and imagination (water/cups). You also have access to those same tools. Write down your goal be as specific as possible. The Emperor is all about building strong structures and foundations to maintain a sustainable empire. He invites you to define some metrics (a standard of measurement) so you can have tangible evidence your goal is manifesting. Also, achieving a metric gives you a reason to celebrate. What metrics do you have in place to keep your goals on track? The Chariot is focused on reaching its destination. In this case the destination is your goal. Set your intention and take your first step in the manifestation process. Remember the universe has your back. What actions can you take today to reach your goal? Justice is skilled at solving problems, compromising, and taking decisive action. Take a look at your goal and ask yourself if it is realistic? Does it align with your personal philosophy? Do you have the resources and capacity to achieve the goal? If not, what are you missing? The World card suggests a universe of possibilities. It also depicts a laurel wreath boundary that suggests victory lies within our values and integrity. Make your word count by setting a date and taking steps to stick to it. Which actions can you take today? Six weeks from now? Six months from now? One year from today? What is the target accomplishment date? SMART Goals Questions S Write down your goal be as specific as possible. M What metrics do you have in place to keep your goals on track? A What actions can you take today to reach your goal? R Do you have the resources and capacity to achieve the goal? If not, what are you missing? T What is the target accomplishment date? Use Tarot to quickly identify challenges, strategies, wisdom, and actions to reach your goal Go through deck - face up - and pick a card that represents your goal. What challenges do you have to look out for? What strategies can you use to resolve those challenges? What is the wisdom of overcoming this challenge? An action point you can implement right now? TIP: Move card number 5 to the number 1 position and find challenges, strategies, wisdom and another action. Here is an example reading: The King of Pentacles - Start a business that provides a sustainable income (card chosen consciously) Five of Swords - The challenges are mostly in the mind (swords represent thoughts and intellect) thinking one is not good enough. Fear of what others think, etc. Ace of Wands - The strategy to overcome challenge is tap into creativity, personal expression, personal will, and enthusiasm. Wheel of Fortune - The wisdom from overcoming this challenge is that change is the only constant. Live in the present moment not what could be or in the fantasy created by the imagination. Four of Cups - An Action to implement now is to reach out to customers and offer them value. Let me know how this method works for you in the comments section. Or follow up by scheduling a reading with me and we'll work collaboratively to define your SMART goal, identify your challenge, strategy, wisdom, and actions to begin designing the life you want.

  • New Moon in Aquarius

    The moon starts her new cycle in Aquarius today at 2:06pm ET. The time of the new moon is when the Sun and Moon meet at the same sign and ask us to take initiating actions. Each NEW MOON offers an opportunity to take charge of our lives by tapping into the potent power in the cosmos to solidify our intentions, goals, and wishes. When the moon is in Aquarius, collectively there is a need to be innovative, original, and create social change. Aquarius is an air sign; think logic, communication, and thoughts. In the Tarot, air is represented by swords. The air symbol for Aquarius is a flash of lightning. Think of a flash of insight - an AHA! moment. Aquarius Tarot Cards The Star is represented by Aquarius the sign of social consciousness and innovative thinking. The Star card illustrates the power of myth as all constellations are associated with a myth or legend. The Star also symbolizes direction. Sailors navigate by the north star, children make wishes on stars, people watch for shooting stars, and astrologers chart stars to map out their lives. The Star card from the Tarot de St. Croix says "this is the time to be recognized for your inner light and achievements. Become the Star." Uranus the planet of freedom, revolution, and reform is assigned to the Fool. Both are idealists, masters of change and fresh starts, and new beginnings. Uranus is also the planet of sudden and unexpected changes. It rules independence and originality along with radical ideas and people. The glyph for Uranus looks like a satellite and the planet is associated with technological advancements and innovations. The Fool from the Tarot de St. Croix says "whenever we begin a new endeavor or journey in life we have no idea of the actual outcome. The Fool is here to say trust the journey." Aquarius Rules Over: Inventions Future Humanitarianism Revelations Big Picture Friendship Excessive Detachment Health Use the list above to set your Aquarius influenced intentions, goals, and wishes. It is best to keep your list to 10 or less. Also, as the moon waxes, becomes full, and wanes go back to your intentions, goals, and wishes and refine them until they are crystal clear. Aquarius Moonth Spread What is the seed (foundation) of the Moonth in Aquarius? What begins to grow as the moon waxes in Gemini? What peaks as the moon becomes full in Virgo? What do I let go of as the moon wanes Sagittarius? What is the seed (foundation) of the next moonth in Pisces? (use this card as card number 1 next moonth). Pro Tip: Take a picture of your spread and notes to keep on your phone for quick reference throughout the moonth. Share your spread online with the hashtag #moonthlyspread I created a Sun and Moon in Aquarius Workbook which covers everything here plus much much more, click the link to visit the shop. Alternatively, download free a mini version of the workbook in the gifts area. Next up in the Aquarius Moonth Cyle is the Waxing Moon in Gemini on Thursday February 19th.

  • Dark Moon in Capricorn

    The moon has now gone round the zodiac and returned back to Capricorn. This time is known as the dark moon and the balsamic crescent moon. It encourages introspection, meditation, and divination. Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign that influences us to initiate action in the material world. It has a need for structure, organization and social accomplishment. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the ringed planet of limitations, hurdles, karma, and lessons. It has the capacity to create order, form and discipline. Capricorn Tarot Cards Capricorn The Devil The Devil is firmly rooted in the material world and closely associated with both the pleasures and pain of physical existence. The Devil demonstrates that an obsession with outward appearances can imprison the spirit in the material world. The Devil card symbolizes physical pleasures, wild behavior, life out of balance, materialism, addictions, and oppression. The Devil image is from the Tabula Mundi Tarot. Entitled as Lord of the Gates of Matter; Child of the Forces of Time. This card represents the impulse toward the un-lived potential. Awaken and acknowledge the shadow within to master manifest form. Saturn The World The ringed planet of limitations is at home on Earth with its scientific law and principals of reason. The World suggests a universe of possibilities, Saturn's connections serve as a reminder that reasonable people recognize their limits and make wise choices to make the most out of time and space. The Universe image is from the Tabula Mundi Tarot. It is entitled as The Great One of the Night of Time. This card represents completion and accomplishment. The planted seed has sprouted and grown to maturity, bearing fruit. Take a few long deep breaths. On the inhale visualize your intentions manifested. On the exhale visualize yourself releasing the things that no longer fit in the life you envision for yourself. Continue for as long as you wish, Now it’s time for some Burning and Banishing Herb Craft Things you will need: Fireproof bowl (or pot) Bay Leaves (or paper) Sharpie or Pen Matches or candle The Ritual Write out things you wish to banish on the bay leaves or paper. Be specific, for example: “release fear about X” “banish limiting belief about X” instead of "fear" or "limiting belief". Limit this to 10. Take the Bay leaf (or paper) and light with the flame from the matches or candle, saying out loud (or quietly) what you have written. For example: “I hereby release all fear about X”, or “I banish limiting beliefs about X" Drop the leaves onto the fireproof bowl or pot, and visualize the attachments being broken. After you are done banishing these energies, invite a peaceful vibe back into your space by putting on some music you can dance to, doing a little shimmy shake, and expressing gratitude for all that is well and good in your life. For most potent results do this BEFORE the exact time of the New Moon in Aquarius on Thursday, February 11th at 2:06 pm ET. New Moon in Aquarius circle is coming up on Friday February 12th at 7pm. I created two Aquarius Moonth Workbooks full of all things Aquarius. Requires you to dedicate 30-60 minutes a week and financial commitment. Requires you dedicate 15-30 minutes once per month and no financial commitment. Check out Shelia Belanger's Astrology Alchemy Podcast episode #91. Its only 18 minutes. She shares some good insights for this week and the new moon coming up on Thursday.

  • Scorpio Waning Moon

    The waning moon in Scorpio invites you to release resistance to commitments and financial obligations. The tools of the time are intuition and spirituality. The moon is waning in Scorpio and stands in the center of light and dark. It asks us to pause, reflect, and assess. Scorpio is the sign of sex, death and rebirth. There is a strong ability to focus intensely on what stirs within. This brings about change, self-discipline, deep emotional connections, financial partnerships, and or power. There is a need for deep involvements and intense transformation. Pluto rules Scorpio, representing our capacity to transform and renew ourselves in an emotional and spiritual rebirth. Together Scorpio and Pluto can influence us to investigate what is really going on within and around us. Scorpio Moon Transit When the moon is in Scorpio the mood is serious and curious. We are influenced to investigate the heart of the matter. We respect the personal space and boundaries of others. We make a choice to be productive or unproductive. We can obsess about our to do list or our hindering narratives. It is a good time to explore metaphysical ideas. Practice reading tarot and astrology charts. Make time to meditate. Scorpio Waning Moon We are in the last phase of the Capricorn moonth. The waning moon in Scorpio invites you to release resistance to financial obligations. It also encourages rebirth and mental health. I pulled the Star for this particular moon phase (Capricorn New Moon tarot Spread card 4). My first impression of the card was "I release being afraid my dreams are too big". That surprised me, but there was truth to it. Now I look at the card and realize my dreams aren't big enough. The Scorpio vibe helps me to understand that fear is something to be transformed. I view fear as an alert to review and focus on what and why I'm afraid. I evaluate if the fear is helping or hindering me. In this particular case it is hindering so I take a deep breath and decide that my dreams are not big enough. I'm curious to see how this plays out in the Aquarius moonth coming up next week. This is especially intriguing because The Star represents Aquarius in Tarot. What are the tarot cards associated with Scorpio? Death Death represents Scorpio in Tarot Death is a card of transition suggesting release, change, and transformation. Occasionally Death is represented by a phoenix and its rebirth from its ashes re-presents conversion of energy instead of loss of energy. Death calls for release of old habits, patterns, and relationships. The image XIII Death is from The Dark Goddess Tarot by Ellen Lorenzi Prince. La Santa Muerte, the Mexican Goddess of Death says "Death is the destiny of life". She also asks for you to see the truth of the habits that get in the way of building a better life for yourself. Judgement Judgement represents Pluto the planetary ruler of Scorpio in tarot Pluto the planet of transformation, death, and destruction teaches that endings are part of the cycle of rebirth and resurrection. Judgement is a call for decision making, compelling us to release what no longer fits. The image is XX Liberation (Judgement) from The Dark Goddess Tarot. Persephone, Greek Goddess of Resurrection who says "the past is not forgotten, yet life begins anew." She reminds us that there are two worlds. The spiritual and the mundane, the real world and the other world. We walk them both so give each their due. The King of Cups The King of Cups represents Fixed Water in Tarot as is the modality and element of Scorpio Fixed Water is the embodiment of Scorpio. In tarot it shows up as being perceptive and analytical, smart and sensuous, while craving deep connection on an intellectual and emotional level. There is an understanding of the ebb and flow of time and cycles of transformation and rebirth. The image is Hag of Water from The Dark Goddess Tarot. Ran is the Norse Goddess of the Drowned. She says "Surrender to the sea to find her secret places." She reminds us that deep in your soul, you know where you belong, and where you do not. If you do not act on this knowledge, do not expect relief from your difficulties. Reflect and Assess Consider what can released to make room for transformation and the upcoming Aquarius New Moon. Take a look at your notes and or intentions from the Capricorn New Moon. How are you intentions coming along? Are you on track? Do you still want the things you wished for? Ask yourself: What do I release as the moon wanes in Scorpio? Updated 02/02/24 Updated 02/12/23

  • Vision Board

    How is your year going? Have you made resolutions or goals? Most people do and then forget it about them. This year I'm working with visual resolutions on a vision board. What is a Vision Board? A collection of images, words, and phrases that represent the actions you want to take, the person you want to be, and the things you want to have in your life. It serves as a daily reminder of your heart's desires. I made my first vision board around 2013. I cut pictures and words out of magazines and glued them to a piece of cardboard. It was fun to make and my goal was to make it look nice with things I liked and wanted (Chanel bag I'm still waiting). One of things I put on the first vision board was a cruise ship and I unexpectedly ended up on a mediterranean cruise later that year. It wasn't until about year after the cruise that vision board resurfaced from its hiding place and I was startled to see the cruise ship in the center of the board. Realizing wow, this really works. The second attempt at making a vision board in 2015 was a little more focused. I wanted to tap into my purpose and passions and get my finances in order. I included a picture of someone in downward dog position with a caption "Affirm your life's purpose in downward facing dog." In 2016, on a whim, signed up for Rina Jakubowicz Yoga, Life, and Happiness weekend course at Kripalu and one of the techniques she used was affirmations during yoga. I ended that year with a Yoga Teacher 100 hour Certification. I didn’t even know Yoga could be combined with affirmations. Six years since I made my last vision board and I felt drawn to make another. This time the universe was driving me to make one. A friend mentioned she was making one for the new year sparking my interest, then my daughter said she was going to make a vision board, and finally life coach and tarot reader Dina Berrin hosted a class about creating a clear and empowering vision for one's life. She talked us through the 8 life zones which are very similar to the 8 pillars of wellness I wrote about last month. She also guided us to think about how we want to feel in the future. I think visioning what one will look like in the future is very powerful. I see myself living authentically and with integrity. I also see myself as an entrepreneur, playing it big, designing my future, very versatile, and setting goals. Above is the vision board I started last week and while it is beautiful (tooting my own horn) and it has intention behind it I'm realizing that if I really want to manifest, nuture the talent within, set goals, etc I have to do more than just see the words on the board. The next step in making what I put into my vision board into a reality is actually setting SMART Goals for all the words and phrases. Otherwise I will only manifest one or two things on the board instead of all the things. And I want all the things! It is important to get clear otherwise what comes through will be clouded. So, now my vision board is somewhat complete and the journaling and envisioning is what comes next. I suspect it will be be a work in progress. Perhaps I will make another next year, time will tell. So... you want to make your own vision board? I suggest you set aside a 3-5 hours. Get a a couple of friends to join you. Put on some joyful music and have lots of fun. Materials you will need: Poster board Glue stick Pens and Markers Magazines Printouts from internet Scissors Intention Goals Vision Check out this blog post about how to make a vision board in detail. Let me know if you've made a vision board. Did you manifest what you put on it?

  • Full Moon in Leo

    Celebrate Your Courage The moon becomes Full in Leo on Saturday February 5th at 1:28pm ET. The Full Moon is the climax of the moonthly cycle. It is the time in the moonthly cycle when the moon is at it's brightest. It can shine light on the deepest parts of ourselves that we can't usually see or that we choose to suppress. Take the next few days to look within, nourish yourself, celebrate your courage. Notice your hindrances and shed what no longer makes sense in your life. Leo Moon Mood When the moon is in Leo the mood is open-hearted, generous, romantic, stubborn, and expressive. Schedule a presentation. Tell a story. Promote yourself or your endeavors. Help others feel special and appreciated. Practice gratitude. Socialize. Do anything that engages this temporary extroverted time and requires flair, creativity, and courage. Leo Major Arcana Cards Leo Strength: Represents courage, Self-discipline, and Determination. The energy is generous, warm, dramatic, optimistic, honorable, frank, and energetic. The card emits a sense of fearlessness. "The more we praise and celebrate our lives, the more we have to praise and celebrate." -Oprah Planetary Ruler The Sun Our source of light and life energy. The sun represents our ego and the self. It symbolizes confidence, self-esteem, willpower and purpose. It suggests vitality. Review Long View Did you set intentions at the Leo new moon back in August? If you did, go to your notes and review your intentions, goals, wishes. Have any of them come to fruition? Yes? Great! You are focused on what you want. No? do you still want to work on that? Is it aligned with what you want now? If not, let it go, throw it into the fire. If yes, be like Aquarius and do things in an innovative or unconventional way to make your intentions/goals/wishes a reality. Short View Review your Aquarius new moon intentions. Celebrate your progress. Release what is no longer in alignment with your path. Today View Close your eyes. Take a deep breath in 1, 2, 3, 4 Hold it 1, 2, 3, 4, Breathe out 1, 2, 3, 4, Repeat as many times as you wish Shuffle your deck (or use your intuition) and ask: What peaks when the moon is full in Leo? (card 3 from #moonthlyspread) Where in my life can I be more courageous? What aspect of my life is asking me to take a risk? How can I make more room for creativity? How can I be more generous (with time, money, or kindness)? Leo Full Moon Ritual - Charge your Spiritual Tools The light of the Full Moon amplifies everything with the energy of manifestation. This is why many coven's meet on the full moon to perform their magical rituals. Take out your crystals, rosaries, tarot, and oracle decks (etc) and cleanse them with the scared smoke of sage, cedar, copal or whatever is native to where you live. The important thing is cleanse with the intention of clearing and neutralizing energies from the tools. To charge your spiritual tools take them outside where they can get the energy of the moon (a window sill will also do). For each spiritual tool state your intention and add something like "I invite the light and manifestation power of this Full Moon to bless and amplify this spiritual tool so it may serve its highest good. Blessed be." In the morning offer a prayer of gratitude to the moon and your spiritual tools for its potent new energies. Updated 02/14/22 Updated 02/05/23

  • Taurus Waxing Moon

    The Taurus waxing moon invites you to nourish your personal resources, finances, and traditions. The tools of the time are practicality and tradition. Taurus is grounded and harvests the fruits of its labor. The energy is practical, steady, and consistent. Taurus approaches situations with the tools of earth: practicality, patience, and stability. The symbol for Taurus is the Bull. The Bull loves the pleasure of a comfortable environment and is willing to put in the work to get a return on their investment of time and effort. The Taurus glyph represents the bull’s head and horns. Taurus inspires a collective need to be productive, resourceful, and stable. When Taurus is on a downward spiral the energy is materialistic, stubborn, and overcautious. What is the Taurus Tarot Card? In tarot, Taurus is represented by The Hierophant. It symbolizes traditions and beliefs. The Hierophant creates practical traditions that drive our spirituality. Aquarius (new moon) and Taurus (waxing moon) invite you to nourish finances and personal resources. Consider how you earn your income. Does it vibe with your values and beliefs? If so, find innovative ways to progress. If not, start looking for something that is aligned with your values. What is the mood of the Taurus moon? When the moon is in Taurus the mood is stubborn, creative, and sensual. Cultivate your earthly (money, possessions, values) resources. Slow down and become more aware. Get yourself comfortable, secure, and relaxed. Take steps to protect and grow your resources. Follow through on projects recently started. Taurus Waxing Moon The time of the waxing moon is a good time to start thinking about what you want to manifest. Did you make resolutions or set intentions at the start of 2024? Yes? great! Root yourself into it. No? Fine! You can start now. It is never too late to plant seeds of your goals and aspirations. How does the Taurus waxing moon influence the meaning to your waxing moon card? (from the new Aquarius New Moon Tarot spread) What does it have to say to you one week later? Journal Questions for Taurus Waxing Moon What helps me feel grounded and centered? What am I willing to face and resolve so I can move forward? Am I using all the resources available to help me reach my goals? What boundaries do I need to set in order to bloom more fully? Next up is the full moon in Virgo on February 24th. Updated 2024 Updated 2023

  • Dark Moon in Sagittarius

    This is a great time for reflection, meditation, and introspection. It is a time to review the intentions set at the beginning of the moonth and reflect on where you stand. It is a great time to let go of the old and tired things in order to make space for new and exciting beginnings. The moon is currently back in Sagittarius, where we started this moonth. Sagittarius is all about expanding the horizons of the mind through higher education, personal quests, and adventure. Sagittarius Rules Over: Quest for Truth: Religion, Prayer, Places of Worship, Honesty, Frank Communication Natural World: Connections to Nature, Intuition, Peace of Mind Freedom: Spontaneity, Adventure, Positive Expectations, Exploration, Foreign Travel Law: Attorneys, Lawsuits, Ethics, Morality, Conscience, Court Proceedings Optimism:Faith, Friendliness, Good Luck, Generous Spirit, Gallantry Higher Education: Mentors, University, Philosophy, Answers & Solutions Carelessness: Shortcuts, Excesses, Extravagance, Assumptions, Blunt Communication Health: Hips, Liver, Sciatica, Thighs, Upper Legs Take a few long deep breaths. On the inhale visualize your intentions manifested. On the exhale visualize yourself releasing the things that no longer fit in the life you visualize for yourself. Continue for a few minutes until you feel ready to answer the questions below (or just pick one question or if you know what you want to release skip the questions). Use your Intuition or pull some Tarot/Oracle Cards 1. Is there anything holding you back from your quest for truth, from connecting to nature, or anything in the Sagittarius list referred above? 2. Are you holding on to excess, extravagance, or assumptions? 3. What are you willing to let go of? Now it’s time for some Burning and Banishing Herb Craft Things you will need: Fireproof bowl (or pot) Bay Leaves (or paper) Sharpie or Pen Matches or candle The Ritual Write out things you want to banish on the bay leaves or paper. Be specific, for example: “release fear about X” “banish limiting belief about X” instead of "fear" or "limiting belief". I would limit this to 10. Take the Bay leaf (or paper) and light with the flame from the matches or candle, saying out loud (or quietly) what you have written. For example: “I hereby release all fear about X”, or “I banish limiting beliefs about X" Drop the leaves onto the fireproof bowl or pot, and visualize the attachments being broken. After you are done banishing these energies, invite a peaceful vibe back into your space by putting on some music you can dance to, doing a little shimmy shake, and expressing gratitude for all that is well and good in your life. (It is a good idea to replace what has been banished with gratitude. For most potent results do this BEFORE the exact time of the New Moon in Capricorn on Wednesday 01/12/21 at midnight ET. New Moon circle is coming up on Wednesday January 13th at 7pm ET.

  • Waning Moon in Libra

    The moon is waning in Libra. Libra is the sign of beauty, harmony, and relationships. It is about seeing things clearly and acting with diplomacy. The energy is supportive, creative, and collaborative. The Waning moon is for reflection. This is a good time to reflect and assess what is working and what is not in terms of manifesting the intentions set on the Capricorn new moon three weeks ago. Let Libra's desire to initiate actions (Cardinal) in the name of being decisive, tasteful, and harmonious (Air) help you make the necessary decisions to be more understanding, visionary, and hopeful. Venus Rules Libra Venus rules Libra and represents one's capacity to attract people and things that one loves and values. Together Libra and Venus can influence you to reach out to friends, pitch an idea, clean out and reorganize your home. Over all this is a good time to seek peace and balance. The tarot cards associated with Libra are: Libra Tarot Cards Justice is Libra Extroverted and communicative. Skilled at solving problems, compromising, and comes up with diplomatic solutions for any situation. She rules the arts, takes leadership roles, and initiates change and forward movement with decisive action. The Empress is Venus Venus graces everything she touches with ease, comfort, affection, and enjoyment. She is a generous benefactor. She is sensual and romantic, gracious and kind, gengle and sympathetic. Queen of Swords is Cardinal Air She uses both her head and her heart to make balanced decisions. She embodies a blend of logic and reason with understanding and feeling. She is the ruler of intellect and a critical thinker. She is a natural born leader willing to hear both sides of the story. Waning Moon = Reflect & Release The waning moon is a good time to reflect on the course of the moonth and to consider what can be cut away as 2021 gets off to its start. Take a look at your notes and or intentions from the Libra New Moon this past October, is there anything that has to be cut away to help with the manifestation process? Libra operates under the influence of Venus (see above) now is a good time to look at your life and enhance ease, comfort, affection, and enjoyment by cutting away hindrances, distress, rancor, and misery . Take out your tarot or oracle deck or use your intuition to answer What has come up this moonth that made you uncomfortable or unhappy? What has run its course in your life? What have I planted (desire)? Does it need weeding ? the removal of other plants (desires) that are overgrown and hindering its chances to flourish Next up is the Dark Moon in Capricorn January 19th 2023 Aquarius New Moon is on Saturday January 21st. *Updated 01/12/22

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