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  • Full Moon in Cancer

    The Cancer full moon invites you to celebrate your instincts and drive as you move through life. The tools of the time are spirituality and imagination. The moon becomes Full in Cancer tonight at 6:07 pm ET. The Full Moon is the climax of the moonthly cycle because it is at it's brightest and can shine light on the deepest parts of ourselves that we can't usually see. It is a powerful time for looking within, healing, shifting blocks, and shedding the past. Cancer is an cardinal water sign ruled by the Moon the heavenly body of intuition, emotions, and feelings. The Cancer moon can help us connect with our instincts. It may lead us to nurture and protect our home and our beloveds. If we feel unsafe by our vulnerability or if critiques from others are too sharp, we get crabby The Tarot Cards of Cancer The Chariot: Resourceful, Intuitive, & Protective. On a practical quest to protect and defend home, community, or personal business. The quest can also be for knowledge or experience. The High Priestess Mystic, taps into the secrets of the universe. The embodiment of the moon: constantly changing form while reflective and intuitive Queen of Cups Water of water, embodies the emotional energy of cups and represents cardinal water. Like the Chariot she navigates through currents and tides and like the High Priestess she’s prone to physic prophecies and visions. Journal with Tarot or Oracle Cards It is a good time to revisit your Capricorn New Moon Spread and review the intentions you made during the new moon. Are your intentions taking root into your daily life? What does the Full Moon in Cancer card say to you now? Does your initial impression still stand? Has anything changed? Any new insight in hindsight? Look back at your notes from the Cancer New Moon (in June and July) and review those intentions. Have you manifested any? If you have, great! If not, is it something you still want? Is it something to revise or something you must go on a quest for? It is also a good time to shuffle your deck (or use your intuition) and ask: What makes me feel safe and secure? How can I best trust my gut instincts? Where in my life is a new beginning emerging? How can I give and receive more emotional warmth? Full Moon Ritual Charge your Spiritual Tools The light of the Full Moon amplifies everything with the energy of manifestation. This is why many coven's meet on the full moon to perform their magical rituals. crystals, rosaries, tarot, and oracle decks (etc) and cleanse them with the scared smoke of sage, cedar, copal or whatever you have on hand. The important thing is cleanse with the intention of clearing and neutralizing energies from the tools. To charge your spiritual tools take them outside where they can get the energy of the moon (a window sill will also do). For each spiritual tool state your intention and add something like "I invite the light and manifestation power of this Full Moon to bless and amplify this spiritual tool so it may serve its highest good. Blessed be." In the morning offer a prayer of gratitude to the moon and your spiritual tools or its potent new energy. Updated: 01/05/2023

  • Waxing Moon in Aries +++

    The Waxing Moon is going into Aries who is about being independent and developing self awareness. So many things are happening today! It is Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year and the official start of Winter. It is considered a fresh start and a day to set intentions that will hopefully grow alongside the returning light and warmth of the sun. I think its a good time to start thinking about what you want to manifest and most people set intentions or resolutions on New Years Day. Capricorn Season Begins The Sun is going into Capricorn, Happy Birthday to all Capricorns! They are a yin, cardinal, earth sign who have a need for structure, organization and social accomplishment. The Aries Waxing Moon We are experiencing an Aries waxing moon who is about being independent and developing self awareness. The waxing moon is when we can trust that those dreams and intentions we set at the New Moon in Capricorn are putting down roots and getting strong. The cardinal energy of the Moon in Aries and the Sun in Capricorn is a great time to make a list of concrete goals that will nurture the intentions set at the New Moon. And, it is the Great Conjunction (planets are basically sitting on top of each other) of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius. This conjunction is significant because it initiates a 200-year cycle of Saturn and Jupiter conjunctions that will be primarily in the air signs. Saturn and Jupiter meet up in a conjunction every 20 years, but for the past 200 years, they have mostly met in Virgo, Capricorn, or Taurus. This signifies a shift from putting all of our energy towards material gain and being motivated by money to an interest in the collective good and valuing freedom over security. Also, this will be the closest observable Jupiter-Saturn conjunction since medieval times, and there will not be another that is visually like it until 2080. Here is a an article from discussing the great conjunction in more detail and there is also a 3 minute video discussing the science behind the conjunction. The image on the left by Kev Pearson Photography was taken in the UK on 12/20/20. It clearly shows both Jupiter and Saturn and if you look closely you can see four of Jupiter's moons. Aries Waxing Moon Journal Questions How can I nurture the seeds of intentions I planted at the New Moon in Capricorn? Where in my life do I need to be bold, put down roots, and strengthen my structures? Where in my life do I need to be independent? How can I honor my own individuality without becoming self-centered? Winter Solstice Journal Questions How do I endure this darkness? What is the potential here? What is the light that is coming? How can I help the light grow? Next up is the full moon Cancer on Tuesday December 29th.

  • New Moon in Sagittarius

    The moon started her new cycle in Sagittarius yesterday The New Moon intention setting energy is potent November 14th - Nov 16th Each NEW MOON offers an opportunity to take charge of our lives by harnessing the potent power in the atmosphere to solidify our intentions/wishes. Get your tarot/oracle cards and journal ready I suggest you get use a specific journal for your moonthly intentions and tarot spreads. This makes it easier for you to refer to in the future. Sagittarius: Quality: Mutable Dispersing enthusiasm Motto: I seek Astrological House: 9th Expanding the mind. Broader viewpoints through travel, spirituality, religion, philosophy, and higher education. Skillful Application: Understanding, Visionary, Wise, Hopeful Unskillful Application: Condescending, Deluded, Excessive, & Restless Planetary Ruler: Jupiter rules our potential. It is where we can expand. It is known as the greater benefic - the bringer of good luck and fortune. It represents our quest for truth and self knowledge. Sagittarius Tarot Cards * Temperance: Sagittarius * Wheel of Fortune Jupiter * Knight of Wands Fire of Fire * Eight of Wands Lord of Swiftness * Nine of Wands Lord of Great Strength * Ten of Wands Lord of Oppression Sagittarius Rules Over: Quest for Truth Natural World: Freedom Law Optimism Higher Education Carelessness Sagittarius Moonth Spread What is the seed (foundation) of the Moonth in Sagittarius? What begins to grow as the moon waxes in Aries? What peaks as the moon becomes full in Cancer? What do I let go of as the moon wanes Libra? What is the seed (foundation) of the next moonth in Capricorn? (use this card as card number 1 next moonth). Pro Tip: Take a picture of your spread and notes to keep on your phone for quick reference throughout the moonth Share your spread online with the hashtag #moonthlyspread Podcast Hidden Brain recently posted a podcast called Minimizing Pain, Maximizing Joy to help one come up with strategies to cope with hardship and I thought it was very Sagittarian and helpful at this time. Have a listen and comment to let me know what you think. Next up in the Sagittarius Moonth Cyle is the Waxing Moon in Aries on Tuesday December 21st

  • Wellness

    COVID-19 is reaching another peak in the USA and maintaining health is top of mind to many but what does being healthy even mean? Social media will lead you to believe it is about eating kale, sipping on smoothies, and practicing goat yoga but health and wellness runs much deeper than that. Health and wellness is about living a lifestyle that sustains eight pillars: physical, emotional, social, spiritual, intellectual, occupational, financial, and environmental. 1. Physical Wellness – the health and longevity of the human body can be increased with physical exercise. It is also important to factor in sleep, hygiene, and a healthy diet. Also, remember your water, it prevents dehydration which causes cloudy thinking, mood swings, and constipation. 2. Emotional Wellness – the ability to recognize, identify and define emotions and their triggers. One way to achieve this is to practice self-awareness by noticing how we feel and naming it. Another is to practice adaptability when a change cycles into our lives. Also, remember to have compassion for yourself by setting time for a long shower (or bath) journaling (with tarot), or meditating. 3. Social Wellness – the network of family, friends, and acquaintances that provide meaningful connections. Spending time with people you love creates a support system that endures life’s ups and downs. However, during the pandemic it is important consider CDC guidelines of preventing the spread of COVID and it can be done if safety is considered. Keep the gathering small, practice social distancing, wear a mask, wash hands, and stay home if you are unwell. If staying home is for you, how about writing thoughtful letters and or cards to your friends and family? 4. Intellectual Wellness – the stimulation of the intellect to cognitively engage. Check out online courses on topics you find interesting, attend your local community meetings online, start journaling and studying. 5. Spiritual Wellness – the devotion of time to connecting spiritually to feel grounded. This includes but is not limited to religion, it is more about one’s sense of purpose, direction, and meaning in life. 6. Financial Wellness – stability of income to manage savings, expenses, and debts. How much money is earned plays a role but the most important aspect is managing income to live within means by avoiding: overspending, hoarding, excessive frugality and focusing on building an emergency fund, saving for the future, and creating a budget. 7. Occupational Wellness – job satisfaction and fulfillment. Feeling happy about going to work comes from feeling supported, respected, accomplished while growing and developing professionally. 8. Environmental Wellness – appreciation of the Earth’s natural resources and immersion and experience with nature. Having a reciprocal relationship with the environment strengthens local and global communities. This can be achieved by keeping your space clutter free, producing less waste (cut down on disposable items), cutting back on motorized transport, every small step adds up for large impact. Being well means you can focus on yourself as an induvial to set and reach your personal goals. Look at the wheel above, which ones are balanced? Which ones get too much attention? Too little attention? The balance is what will give you a heathy life.

  • Scorpio Dark Moon

    Reflection, Meditation, and Introspection The dark moon is when no sunlight is reflected on the moon and it is not visible in the sky. This occurs two or three days before the New Moon begins. Figuratively speaking, this is the time of death before rebirth of the moon. At the Dark Moon, it is a time for reflection, meditation, and introspection. Review the intentions set at the new moon and reflect on where you stand. It is a great time to let go of the old and tired things in order to make space for new and exciting beginnings. The moon is currently back in Scorpio, where we started this moonth. Scorpio is all about emotional intensity, mystery, transformation. Scorpio Areas of Focus: Power: Secrets, Politics, Psychology, Charisma Transcendence: Transformation, Change, Restoration, Forgiveness Crisis: Compulsions, Obsessions, Intense Interactions, Living on the Edge Self-Mastery: Good vs Evil, Self-Discipline, Commitment, Character Bonding: Sex, Absorption, Soul Mates, Deep Emotional Connections Financial Partnerships: Loans, Taxes, Debts, Grants, Wills, Contracts Misuse of Power: Revenge, Jealousy, Judgements, Power Struggles, Suspicion, Guilt Mediation: Take a few long deep breaths. On the inhale visualize your intentions manifested. On the exhale visualize yourself releasing the things that no longer fit in the life you visualize for yourself. Continue for a few minutes until you feel ready to answer the questions below (or just pick one question or if you know what you want to release skip the questions). Use your Intuition or pull some Tarot/Oracle Cards 1. What is ending, or needs to end in my life? 2. How might this ending be a blessing in disguise? 3. How has my consciousness been raised? 4. What is calling to be resurrected in my life? Burning and Banishing Herb Craft Things you will need: Fireproof bowl (or pot) Bay Leaves (or paper) Sharpie or Pen Matches or candle The Ritual Write out things you want to banish on the bay leaves or paper. Be specific, for example: “release fear about X” “banish limiting belief about X” instead of "fear" or "limiting belief". I would limit this to 10. Take the Bay leaf (or paper) and light with the flame from the matches or candle, saying out loud (or quietly) what you have written. For example: “I hereby release all fear about X”, or “I banish limiting beliefs about X" Drop the leaves onto the fireproof bowl or pot, and visualize the attachments being broken. After you are done banishing these energies, invite a peaceful vibe back into your space by putting on some music you can dance to, doing a little shimmy shake, and expressing gratitude for all that is well and good in your life. For most potent results do this BEFORE the exact time of the New Moon in Sagittarius. Look up Moon Dates and times here.

  • Waning Moon in Virgo

    Virgo the sign of work, duty, and responsibility to others. The moon is waning in Virgo. This is an optimal time to reflect and assess what is working and what is not. Virgo has a willingness to change (mutable) in the name of being efficient, analytical, and disciplined (Earth). Mercury rules Virgo and represents one's capacity to think, speak, and reason. Together these two can influence you to edit and organize your home, wardrobe, and photos in your phone. Assess the details: look at your financial statements and analyze your expenses, can anything be cut away? Can you save more? Are you spending efficiently? Make a healthy foods list and plan out your meals for the week. What are the tarot cards associated with Virgo? The Hermit: Self-disciplined, reliable, and a troubleshooter. He represents wisdom, introspection, meditation, and leadership by example. His rationality and practicality tends to keep him isolated. He has a desire to teach and help people. The Magician Master of space, time, and cosmic energy. A channel for transformation and change. He serves as a link between ideas and physical existence. He rules messages and communications. Knight of Pentacles Patient and calm, discerning and analytical while moving at a slow pace. In order to be of service to others he takes care of the ordinary and mundane details of everyday responsibilities often overlooked. What to do at the waning moon? The waning moon is an optimal time to reflect on the course of the moonth and year since we are now one week into the last month of the year. Now is a good time to reflect on the 11 months gone by. Take a look at your notes and or intentions from the Virgo New Moon this past September, is there anything that has to be cut away to help with the manifestation process? Virgo operates under the influence of The Magician (see above) now is a good time to bring your ideas into the physical world. Take out your tarot or oracle deck or use your intuition to answer What negative pattern or habit in my life do I want to interrupt? How I being responsible to myself and my own soul’s calling? What do I want to create or manifest in the year ahead? What signs and synchronicities are guiding me on my way?

  • Full Moon in Gemini

    The moon became Full in Gemini today at 4:30am ET. The Full Moon is the climax of the moonthly cycle because it is at it's brightest and can shine light on the deepest parts of ourselves that we can't usually see. It is a powerful time for looking within, healing, shifting blocks, and shedding the past. Gemini is an Mutable Air sign ruled by Mercury planet of communication. Mercury also rules over Virgo which is the waning moon card coming up next. He affects what we say, our thoughts, and media tools such as computers and phones. Gemini can be witty, clever, fun, and inquisitive when she's skillful and she's sarcastic, gossipy, moody, and two-faced when unskillful. The Lovers - ruled by Gemini - are kindred spirits who speak the same language and share their thoughts and ideas openly and freely. Their love can be platonic or romantic, working together to connect two points of view and experiences to any situation. The Magician - master of space, time, and cosmic energy is ruled by Mercury. He is a channel for transformation and change. He is able to tap into the power of the Universe to manifest his own realty. The Knight of Swords - the fire of air - is skillful, brave, polished, and always ready for an adventure. He loves to exchange ideas and communicates with style and wit. Take out your journal and tarot/oracle cards It is a good time to revisit your New Moon Spread and reevaluate the intentions you made during the new moon. Are your intentions taking root into your daily life? What does the Full Moon in Gemini card say to you now? Does your initial impression still stand? Has anything changed? Any new insight in hindsight? Gemini rules over motion and activity including transportation and during the Gemini New Moon earlier this year I made the intention to start driving again soon and shortly after I was able to get a car and have been driving ever since! The Magician's power of manifestation and the Knight of Swords' brave and adventurous spirit was at work to turn my driving dreams into a reality. Look back at your notes from the Gemini New Moon (in May) and review those intentions. Have you manifested any? If you have, great! If not, is it something you still want? Is it something to revise or cut out with the Knight's of Air's sword? It is also a good time to shuffle your deck (or use your intuition) and ask: Do I have a tendency to be sarcastic, gossipy, moody, or two-faced? How can I best share my ideas openly and freely? What in my life needs healing or shifting? What is ready to manifest in my life? Full Moon Ritual - Charge your Spiritual Tools The light of the Full Moon amplifies everything with the energy of manifestation. This is why many coven's meet on the full moon to perform their magical rituals. Take out your crystals, rosaries, tarot, and oracle decks (etc) and cleanse them with the scared smoke of sage, cedar, copal or whatever you have on hand. The important thing is cleanse with the intention of clearing energies from the tools. To charge your spiritual tools take them outside where they can get the energy of the moon (a window sill will also do). For each spiritual tool state your intention and add something like "I invite the light and manifestation power of this Full Moon to bless and amplify this spiritual tool so it may serve its highest good. Blessed be." In the morning offer a prayer of gratitude to the moon and your spiritual tools or its potent new energy. Next up in the is the 3rd Qtr Waning Moon in Virgo on Monday December 7th at 7:36pm.

  • Waxing Half Moon in Pisces

    The Waxing Moon moon is entering Pisces today at 11:45pm. Pisces energy is empathetic, compassionate, creative, and mystical. It is a mutable sign meaning its adaptable and is easily able to shift directions. It is ruled by Neptune planet of spiritual and psychic enlightenment. It is a good time to meditate and pray. Dream up plans for the months ahead (New Moon in Pisces is coming up on March 13th). The tarot cards associated with Pisces are: The Moon which is ruled by Pisces symbolizes the changing nature of existence and the cycles of our lives. The Hanged Man is ruled by Neptune which represents our illusions, beliefs, and addictions. He represents willing sacrifice and change in perspective. The Knight of Cups, Fire of Water, is charming, sweet, sensitive. He reflects the fondest wishes, hopes, and dreams of those around him. In the Herbcrafter's Tarot the Moon is represented by Datura. The book says: Face the unknown Enter the luminous darkness Open your eyes to the night blooming magic Take a look at this video by Katie Hess, creator of Lotuswei, Sacred Datura Flower Essence How does the energy of Pisces fit with your Waxing Moon Card #2? I am working with the Two of Wands energy, a card I've pulled a few times this year which has turned into a recurring theme. This time around I see the energy about harnessing my personal power and using it to propel me into the next cycle of my life. It is fitting considering I will be graduating next month and dreaming up plans for my new life are on my to do list. Take out your journal and tarot/oracle cards It is a good time to revisit your New Moon Spread and see how the seeds planted (your intentions) are beginning to grow. What does the Waxing Moon card say to you now? Does your initial impression still stand? Has anything changed? Any new insight? It is also a good time to shuffle your tarot or oracle deck (or use your intuition) and ask: How can I be more in harmony with the waxing and waning of my emotions and intuition? How can I be more open to psychic and mystical experiences? How can I be more compassionate to others? Next up in the Full Moon in Gemini on Monday November 30th.

  • So you want to learn Tarot?

    If you want to learn Tarot then you have to wait until someone gifts you a deck. If you purchase it yourself you will have bad luck! Ha! That is not true. Have you ever heard something like that before? I purchased my own deck and later heard about how it was bad luck but I don't believe in superstitions. I had a strong urge to have a Tarot Deck and learn what it was all about and everything has turned out just fine. Now if you have been thinking about a deck, get one. I suggest you start off with a Rider Waite Deck because it is the one most commonly referenced in books and on websites when looking up meanings and many decks use a lot of the same symbolism of the 1910 publication. To get started I suggest you: Get a tarot deck Get a journal Schedule time to work with the deck for about 5-15 minutes every day (first thing in the morning worked well for me) Pick a card (random or in order) and journal first thing that comes to mind Look up meaning, write down what resonates Consider the card through out the day Here are some of my favorite self study resources: It's free! It lists descriptions of all the cards and includes a free course to get you started. The New Tarot Handbook by Rachel Pollack. Her book Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom is more well known and in depth but I prefer short and sweet. The Tarot School, get on their Tarot Tips mailing list for esoteric insights. Also to find out about their Tarot Salon (going virtual) and the annual Readers Studio Tarot Conference. The Fools Dog tarot Apps for both iPhone and Android. If you want to have tarot on your phone. These are the best apps out there. The best part is you get the whole deck and book for easy and quick reference for about $3.99. If you are not ready to make a financial commitment commitment download the Tarot Sampler otherwise I suggest you start with The Classic 1910 Tarot. The Tarot Lady Theresa Reed has a ton of information on her website and she does daily Tarot, Transits and Tangents Live videos on Instagram, she has two podcasts, and she is the author of multiple books, including Tarot No Questions Asked: Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading, and so much more! These are my Favorite decks: Smith-Waite Centennial Tarot Deck in a Tin by US Games Systems - This is the deck that is used as a reference in most books and is widely used as an example. Gaian Tarot by Joanna Powell Colbert Tarot De St. Croix by Lisa de St. Croix Alchemical Tarot by Robert M Place The Motherpeace Round Tarot Deck by Karen Vogel and Vicki Nobel Do you have a tarot deck? Which was your first one? Did you buy it yourself? Was it a gift? What is your favorite deck? How do you use tarot? Tell me all about it.

  • Dark Moon in Libra

    The dark moon is when no sunlight is reflected on the moon towards the earth and it is not visible in the sky. This occurs two or three days before the New Moon arrives. Figuratively speaking, this is the time of death before rebirth of the moon.. This is a great time for reflection, meditation, and introspection. It is a time to review the intentions set at the beginning of the moonth and reflect on where you stand. It is a great time to let go of the old and tired things in order to make space for new and exciting beginnings. The moon is currently back in Libra, where we started this moonth. Libra is all about beauty, equality, egalitarianism and cooperation. Libra Rules Over: Partnerships: Marriage, Agreements, Sharing, Interdependence Fairness: Balance, Equality, Negotiation, Counseling Harmony: Peace, Beauty, Art, Decorations Teamwork: Collaboration, Cooperation, Team Identity, Supportive Relationships Sociability: Tact, Diplomacy, Affinity for Others, Getting Along Refinement: Luxury, Elegance, Pampering, Good Taste, Grace Loss of Self-Identity: Co-dependency, Appeasing Behaviors, Indecision Health: Adrenal Glands, Buttocks, Diabetes, Kidneys Take a few long deep breaths. On the inhale visualize your intentions manifested. On the exhale visualize yourself releasing the things that no longer fit in the life you visualize for yourself. Continue for a few minutes until you feel ready to answer the questions below (or just pick one question or if you know what you want to release skip the questions). Use your Intuition or pull some Tarot/Oracle Cards 1. Is there anything holding you back from (partnerships, creating harmony, getting along with others, or any other Libra thing refer to list above)? 2. Are you holding on to co-dependency, appeasing behaviors, indecision? 3. What are you willing to let go of? 4. What is no longer working in your life? 5. What are your self-defeating thoughts/beliefs that have to go? Now it’s time for some Burning and Banishing Herb Craft Things you will need: Fireproof bowl (or pot) Bay Leaves (or paper) Sharpie or Pen Matches or candle The Ritual Write out things you want to banish on the bay leaves or paper. Be specific, for example: “release fear about X” “banish limiting belief about X” instead of "fear" or "limiting belief". I would limit this to 10. Take the Bay leaf (or paper) and light with the flame from the matches or candle, saying out loud (or quietly) what you have written. For example: “I hereby release all fear about X”, or “I banish limiting beliefs about X" Drop the leaves onto the fireproof bowl or pot, and visualize the attachments being broken. After you are done banishing these energies, invite a peaceful vibe back into your space by putting on some music you can dance to, doing a little shimmy shake, and expressing gratitude for all that is well and good in your life. For most potent results do this BEFORE the exact time of the New Moon in Scorpio on Sunday 11/15/20 at 12:07am ET. New Moon circle is coming up on Sunday November 15th at 7pm ET.

  • Waning 3rd Qtr Moon in Leo

    The moon is waning/third quarter in Leo today. It is also the day after the media projected Joseph Biden is the next president of the United States! The announcement is a Leo thing to do as it loves to be in spotlight. Leo is a fixed fire sign, it is generous, has charisma, and loves drama. As Theresa Reed says in Astrology for Real Life "the High Vibe is dramatic, bold, glam, loves to rule, exuberant, exciting, regal, generous bighearted, affectionate, and loyal. The Low Vibe is overly dramatic, self-centered, egomaniacal, prone to flattery, bossy, vain, demanding, unreasonable, and overbearing." The tarot cards associated with Leo are: Strength: Represents courage, Self-discipline, and Determination. The energy is generous, warm, dramatic, optimistic, honorable, frank, and energetic. The card emits a sense of fearlessness. The Sun Our source of light and life energy. The sun represents our ego and the self. It symbolizes confidence, self-esteem, willpower and purpose. It suggests vitality. King of Wands Fire of Fire Embodies the energies of Strength and The Sun by being Confident and Courageous and a source of inspiration. The waning moon is a good time to reflect on the course of the moonth. During this particular moonth three quarters of the year have also passed us by and is a good time to start reflecting on the year 2020. It is certain this is an unusual year. Many of us have lived this year differently than any other year. It has changed many of us. As you look back over the events of the past year (if you are not ready, reflect on this moonth), think about yourself, your place in the world, where you were when we started, and where you are today. How have you changed? Where in your life have you grown stronger? Did the plans you made at the beginning of year (moonth) become a reality? What plans did you abandon, and why? How did you meet the challenge or embrace the surprises that 2020 brought you? What is the emerging theme of 2020 for you? Next up is the Dark Moon in Libra on November 13th.

  • Full Moon in Taurus

    The moon is Full in Taurus today at 10:49am ET. Happy Halloween and Samhain (pronounced sow-in). It is the time of the year when the veil between the worlds of the seen and unseen is at its thinnest. It is a great time to honor the dead in your life. Perhaps by setting up an altar with their pictures or lighting a candle in their name. As for the Full moon, it is the second full moon this month making it a Blue Moon. Taurus energy is stabilizing and grounded. It is strong, earthy, and friendly with the capacity to harness the power of manifestation, values, prosperity, and security. Taurus is ruled by Venus who graces everything she touches with warmth, comfort, and enjoyment. Be sure to check out my Venus - Empress Herbcraft below. The cards associated with Taurus are: The Hierophant ruled by Taurus is a traditionalist who values faithfulness, stability, and convention. In the Gaian Tarot the Hierophant is known as The Teacher and I resonate more with Teacher as it is more about learning instead of following. The Empress ruled by Venus is all about enjoyment, beauty, and artistic pleasures. King of Pentacles, Air of Earth, a steady and reliable monarch who is determined and practical. Take a look at the astrology wheel below and consider how the moon has traveled through Pisces, Aries, and is now in Taurus, did you notice the different energies? Take out your journal and tarot/oracle cards It is a good time to revisit your New Moon Spread and reevaluate the intentions you made during the new moon. Are they taking root into your daily life? What does the card of this time say to you now? Does your initial impression still stand? Has anything changed? Any new insight in hindsight? It is also a good time to shuffle your deck (or use your intuition) and ask: What is the challenge being illuminated by this lunation? What makes me feel grounded and at ease? How can you balance your time better between relationship obligations and activities that bring you comfort and appreciation of life? Are your own needs for money, sensual enjoyment, and feeling in touch with the earth being met? What adjustments can you make in handling important relationships so that others recognize and support your needs? Carolyn Cushing of Soul Path Sanctuary and I had a talk about this blue moon in Taurus and its connection to Venus, remember the new Moon, which was in Libra is also ruled by Venus. This led us to discuss the Empress energy which is ruled by Venus and in the Herbcrafter's Tarot the Empress is Rose. Here is a breakdown of whats in the video. We start with some lines from poet Frederico Garcia Lorca in the original Spanish and the translated English. At 3:50 mins - Influences, card correspondences, and subtle patterns of this moonth (10/16-11/14). At 10:15 mins - Herb Craft Yesbelt leads us through creating a Rose Elixir—inspired by The Herbcrafter Tarot’s association of The Empress to Rose— as well as suggestions for heart opening and stress reducing teas. At 22:30 mins - Intro to Full Moon card correspondences and energies with the Shining Tribe Tarot as our guide. At 29:00 minutes - Meditation to encounter healing spirits like those in the Shining Tribe’s Five of Stones begins (last about 20 minutes). Next up in the is the 3rd Qtr Waning Moon in Leo on Sunday November 8th at 8:46 am.

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